EMTLIFE mini photo scavenger hunt

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Former medic seven years 911 service in houston
I'm bored so how about an EMTLIFE mini photo scavenger hunt?

Here are the rules. Take a piece of paper and write EMTLIFE.com on it in nice big letters and also include the date. This piece of paper must be visible in any submitted photos.

Get your dog or a friends dog or a complete strangers dog. Find your stethoscope, put the stethoscope around the dogs neck, either with the bell hanging down with the earpieces around the neck doctor style, or draped over their neck gangsta medic style whatever as long as it's on them. Get the piece of paper in the photo with the writing visible and take a photo then post it in this thread. First 10 qualified submissions get a prize.

I know what you're thinking. "Wow BBG that's an awful lot of work. I mean I have to get off the couch go find my dog write stuff down not to mention find a pen, I don't even know when I last saw a pen. Everything is done on computers now BBG the only place you can find pens anymore is museums and hotel rooms. What's in this for me".

A brand new EMTLIFE iron on embroidered patch in not one but two colors. Better get to it I predict we'll hit 10 winners in about 3 hours.


There will be a bonus price for anyone that can get their dog to actually hold the EMTLIFE sign in their mouth. FYI use of any adhesive will disqualify you.

All winners will be contacted within 5 days of 10th winning submission. Please allow 14 days for prize to arrive for winners in US and Canada. Delivery of prizes to international winners may take longer. Winners will have to provide a valid mailing address to receive prize.
9 left

Oh very nice. Went for gangsta style I see. Good looking dog. It's breathing right?

No sedating the dogs guys.

He barks like a dog and plays fetch, I think that is close enough.

And yes that is the bathroom sink. That is where he happened to be sleeping when I found him.
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8 left


He barks like a dog and plays fetch, I think that is close enough.

And yes that is the bathroom sink. That is where he happened to be sleeping when I found him.

Coolest EMTLIFE photo ever! That is an awesome looking cat. You Ma'am get a bonus plus a bonus bonus. Very nice.
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You should see the video of him lying in the sink using my hairbrush...little nutter.
Yeah, she's breathing. I think she's part border collie and part Velcro. When I'm home she is either next to me or ON me. It's a good thing my girlfriend likes dogs... Or it never would have worked.

(but, she's a vet... So it's cool.)
Yeah, she's breathing. I think she's part border collie and part Velcro. When I'm home she is either next to me or ON me. It's a good thing my girlfriend likes dogs... Or it never would have worked.

(but, she's a vet... So it's cool.)

That's the biggest velcro mix I've ever seen. Your gf must be a saint.

He barks like a dog and plays fetch, I think that is close enough.

And yes that is the bathroom sink. That is where he happened to be sleeping when I found him.

Sorry the whole keeping my head sideways thing was killing me. Hope you don't mind.

May I steal this photo for my Facebook pretty please :)
lol, that is ok, I tired to reorient it myself, but I couldn't get it to stick. Sure, go ahead.
lol, that is ok, I tired to reorient it myself, but I couldn't get it to stick. Sure, go ahead.

I had to try like 4 times too. That cat just didn't want to stand up. I'm telling you guys sedating your pets is gonna cause them brain damage.
I have a dog, but I don't have a stethoscope, lol. I use the one they provide in the ambulance. XD
I have a dog, but I don't have a stethoscope, lol. I use the one they provide in the ambulance. XD

Lab coat? Rubber gloves? Work shirt?
7 left


sleepy girl

Nice another sedated pooch.

Hmm I may have grossly misjudged the length of time this contest would be open. I need to start posting them earlier. I though paramedics were all imsomniacs?
I have a picture i want to post but I dont know how to do it off my phone =(
Here is one of my three narcolapdogs, Merja, with a little adenosine conversion...

I asked the cat if she wanted to but, oddly enough, she told me to shove off...

Just noticed i forgot the date...


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