National Ambulance UAE


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Hey Guys,
I am looking at going to the Middle East and have heard alittle about National Ambulance in Abu Dhabi. Does anyone have any info on them, pay, rotations, living conditions? Any info would be greatly appreciated!!!
Great gig..I have friends who work there. PM me and I will intro you via email, take it from there.
FYI...there is NO live there...that is only option.
I pmed you
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Guys be warned about this company. They promise a lot but deliver very little. The managment of this company is decitful, incompetant and arrogant. Bullying and intimidation of staff is commonplace.
You have anything more to add?

I have friends who have worked their for almost 2 years with no complaints. Friends who I have known for 10+ years and used to fly with....
Guys be warned about this company. They promise a lot but deliver very little. The managment of this company is decitful, incompetant and arrogant. Bullying and intimidation of staff is commonplace.

Thank you for taking the time to register to this forum for the sole purpose of warning us against this great danger. I guess it should be enough for us to take your word on this matter as the final authority. It must be such an obvious truth that it requires no support or evidence on your part.
Thanks for the PM, PM sent

I appreciate the PM, thanks for the details.

Guys, Medicrickj sent me a PM with details. I appreciate him for doing that. I was looking for information both good or bad.
You all be safe out there!!
Lads, medicrickj raises legitimate issues with this company, could be why half of the medics left inside the first year….

akflightmedic “I have friends who have worked their for almost 2 years with no complaints. Friends who I have known for 10+ years and used to fly with....”
Odd, since they have only been on-line for just over a year…..

ffemt8978 “Thank you for taking the time to register to this forum for the sole purpose of warning us against this great danger. I guess it should be enough for us to take your word on this matter as the final authority. It must be such an obvious truth that it requires no support or evidence on your part.”
Perhaps you could think of the effort/motivation it took to join up just to pass on a warning instead of writing your conceited little rant…..

:excl:How bout some real Q&A not petty sniping?:excl:
Lads, medicrickj raises legitimate issues with this company, could be why half of the medics left inside the first year….

akflightmedic “I have friends who have worked their for almost 2 years with no complaints. Friends who I have known for 10+ years and used to fly with....”
Odd, since they have only been on-line for just over a year…..

ffemt8978 “Thank you for taking the time to register to this forum for the sole purpose of warning us against this great danger. I guess it should be enough for us to take your word on this matter as the final authority. It must be such an obvious truth that it requires no support or evidence on your part.”
Perhaps you could think of the effort/motivation it took to join up just to pass on a warning instead of writing your conceited little rant…..

:excl:How bout some real Q&A not petty sniping?:excl:

Yes they commenced operations a little over a year ago but there was much behind the scenes work BEFORE the actual know purchasing, hiring, orientations...all this was not done the day before operations was done many months ahead.

As for the mod's comment you snipped, he has every right to make a notation and now basically you are doing the same thing. Sounds like you are part of a disgruntled cadre starting to rear its ugly head a la KSA and AA.
I know nothing about this organization at all.


I do know that when Americans first go overseas, there is a significant culture shock.

The rest of the world is not America. It has different systems, different values, quirks, etc.

Often if you have traveled and stayed at Western hotels and generally did the tourist thing, you will be in for a considerable eyeopener when you start living somewhere.

Some things to be aware of no matter where you go.

1. As a visitor of a country, you must familiarize yourself with the place first. I suggest a visit, but I know that is not always economically possible.

2. While you may not be treated like you would in the US, you may be treated better than their own people.

3. When you first start working in a new employement system (not EMS system, but actually workers/employer responsibility etc. kind of thing) since it is not the US, you may feel everything is somehow wrong or inferior to the US way.

Often it is not.

It takes time to get used to. I can tell you that if you burn bridges early with complaints, gripes, etc, generally it will always end in you getting the short end of the stick.

You will get into an endless circle of being dumped on, or even simply not aided, and your life will get more and more unsatisfying until you quit/get fired, etc.

Anytime you sign on to a new organization, anywhere in the world, no matter how much planning is done, there will be growing pains.

There is more to taking a job than just the job.

First, can you live with the dominant culture in the area? (it's values, beliefs, etc.)
Honestly there are one or 2 places in the world that is such the antithesis of my beliefs I simply will not go. (When forced, spend as little time and interaction there as humanly possible. This keeps me from getting angry or in trouble.)

Second, do a little research about the place. The state department is a good place to start. The local college anthropology or world studies depts are good too.

Third, when you get to where you end up, figure out if you are pissed at something about work or your life. Often during work, you take your frustrations of life out when things don't go well at work.

Fourth, always ask "how can this go wrong?" I have found very few employers underpromise and over deliver. Many do just the opposite. They have good intentions and want to deliver what they promised, but things happen and they can't. Worse is when there is a disconnect between management and the rank and file. They both have very different perceptions of how things are.

Finally, always expect less than what is promised.

Remember, until you spend some time there, you are the outsider that doesn't know what is going on, not the expert who tells them how it is. Being an outsider, you will have some perspective on things that may help, but it may not be the most pressing priority of the organization at the moment.

Your first experience might not go so well. But inevitably, I have found it is qute predictable whether a person is happy or disgruntled with living/working in another place based on the passion of their argument against or how long they have stayed.
Lads, medicrickj raises legitimate issues with this company, could be why half of the medics left inside the first year….

akflightmedic “I have friends who have worked their for almost 2 years with no complaints. Friends who I have known for 10+ years and used to fly with....”
Odd, since they have only been on-line for just over a year…..

ffemt8978 “Thank you for taking the time to register to this forum for the sole purpose of warning us against this great danger. I guess it should be enough for us to take your word on this matter as the final authority. It must be such an obvious truth that it requires no support or evidence on your part.”
Perhaps you could think of the effort/motivation it took to join up just to pass on a warning instead of writing your conceited little rant…..

:excl:How bout some real Q&A not petty sniping?:excl:
How about some proof of your qualifications to comment on this company? The minimal effort/motivation to join this forum does not prove anything.
I work for this company right now. I have been here since October and have no complaints so far. I recommended it to my friends back home. All I can offer is my honest opinion from my time here so far.
Just an update on this, our company is hiring and placed a link with more information in the "employment section" regards.
Yes they commenced operations a little over a year ago but there was much behind the scenes work BEFORE the actual know purchasing, hiring, orientations...all this was not done the day before operations was done many months ahead.

As for the mod's comment you snipped, he has every right to make a notation and now basically you are doing the same thing. Sounds like you are part of a disgruntled cadre starting to rear its ugly head a la KSA and AA.

You are absolutely correct akflightmedic..I was one of the first medics on the ground here. Allot went on before the start up. I reupt for another year.
As far at the disgruntled people..When you hire for a "Remote Medical" job maybe you should do some research to what remote medical means! Working a couple hours in the desert in the summer is NOT a cake walk.
If your looking at the job posting that Shultz posted on this site. That is NOT remote work BUT you have to remember it runs Medic/EMT so new medics won't work, you need to have experience and be able to control a scene when English may not be spoken by anyone but you.
If anyone has some questions please don't spread rumors just ask someone that is there!
Female Paramedics

I forgot to mention in my previous reply we ARE taking Female Paramedics for the open jobs..ALSO there is a uplift for Critical Care or degree Paramedics. I don't know the details on that because the guidelines haven't been established yet.
I'd like to hear some pros and cons about this company - any PMs would be appreciated. Thanks
HI All,

I am in the same boat and would love some solid info on the company. Some of the guys on this thread have PM'd me already and they were great and honest messages. However I will take all sides of the discussion so I can make a better informed decision. If you dont want to put it on the thread please PM me.

Thanks :cool:
Really you guys need to ask exact questions..what your looking for? what do you expect? Are you after a job or a adventure? OR like most of us "Living the DREAM"!

HI All,

I am in the same boat and would love some solid info on the company. Some of the guys on this thread have PM'd me already and they were great and honest messages. However I will take all sides of the discussion so I can make a better informed decision. If you dont want to put it on the thread please PM me.

Thanks :cool: