Everybody sing along !.. You can trust the union label... oh, sorry; got carried away by all the union promotion.
Unions have their place. If that is what it takes, so be it. Definitely needed in some areas as a last resort. Personally I only belonged to the FOP while as a tactical medic and seen nothing but dues being sucked out of my pay check. Went back to the private sector that had retirement and insurance and pay without me paying someone to get it for me.
I do admit, I do love the nurses that unionize, especially when they strike. It's the easiest $ 75-100/hr gig. Hospitals realize they will have to have them back and the union will settle for less than what is asked for. Meanwhile it will pay for me some toys.
Unions were very strong in my area but lately corporations have found it is as easy to hire out or locating the company elsewhere in another country. Yeah, thanks. Paying someone $25/hr for changing a lightbulb tends reduce opportunities. Again, someone will have to pay for it (the consumer).
No, I believe EMS should be getting very high salaries. That is when and if they become a professional and demonstrated they have earned it. Just because someone shows up for work does not automatically make them a great employee or a professional. Again, what requirements and special skills or education level have you brought into the agency? Other than attending an academy or 16 week class, does that person deserve to making above entry level salary? Does those that never promote upward in educational and within the profession deserve to gain raises as well, just because they did their job?
Does those that choose not to participate and not promote themselves get the same raise?
So let's shift the tax burden on more as more and more become unemployed or how about looking at what Austin EMS did? Hmmm.... refused to take a full increase in pay to help out their citizens. Which do you think has the best interest in heart of the community?
R/r 911
Everybody sing along! It's not fair, la la la, those union guys get so much more than us, why do they deserve it instead of us, la la la, why won't they give back half of their salary for the pulblic good la la la.
Of course the union settled for less than it asked for - that's why it's called "bargaining". The union required management to iron out a new contract. It would find it extremely hard to believe that the post strike contract provides less than the pre strike contract. That's why unions strike.
Yes, unions have ruined corporations, and have forced than to outsource. However, we're talking about emergency services. With collective bargaining, the employer cannot permenantly replace the local with non union labor.
It doesn't matter what special education/skills or lack thereof that I bring to my employer, as long as I meet their minimum hiring criteria. We're entitled to whatever the hiring salary is, and all benefits and incentives that come with. It's provided in writing with our job offer. Much thanks to my union for providing us with all that we enjoy currently. As we progress upward through technician, Lt, Capt I, Capt II, BC, DC, education in the form of college degrees hold progressively more weight. Thanks again to the union for making the promotional process fair, objective, unbiased, and job related. No good ole boy, drinking buddy, or whatever promotional system here!
For your information, we have indefinitely frozen step increases as well as COLA's here. Giving money back, however, isn't acceptable. You need to draw the line somewhere. If you start giving back, it sets precedent for future negotiations.