the 100% directionless thread

Whoo hoo I will be teaching my own EMT class in the fall!!! Any advice?!?
I see... I have heard of medics dropping patients before... the only time that they got into any trouble was when the patient was further injured... other than that... mistakes happen...

I believe they were problem children anyways.
Haha thanks guys!!! :-)
Woo hoo! I am now 21 y/o! As of 30 minutes ago now.

well then you are officially old enough to ruin your life with legal booze!

Just don't do that and you'll be fine :)
Woo hoo! I am now 21 y/o! As of 30 minutes ago now.

Ah I remember my 21st... Spent it working or else I wouldn't remember it :P

I made up for it when I turned 22 in November though
duh... happy birthday!! :)
Just got back from a paramedic interview with the same branch of AMR I was an EMT at.

So long as I'm not a felon, a drugee, and can lift 125lbs at the PAT, I have the job and start NEOP on Monday :P

I had my PAT and UA today. Got issued shirts and jacket. Everything else will get issued during orientation on May 3rd. But seriously... white button down shirts? Who thought white was a good idea for EMS?
Also Texas just updated my license to Paramedic.. woot!

I have my UA whenever I want to go (Probably tomorrow) and the PAT is 9am on Wed.

I already have most of the stuff I was issued from them last year, but they have to give me ones with the b-e-a-utiful new red patch on everything!

That makes you...

carry the one, multiply by 3.141


Running joke with the practical exam today at school was, "Rate the tenderness at this point," "Well, it feels Pi".
Hey thanks y'all. Went out to dinner tonight and my friend blew a bunch of money on a huge aged ribeye for me. But oh man, that was the best chunk of meat I have ever eaten.

And for all of you who are worrying about me getting too drunk. I don't drink.........Never coud stand the smell and I have found I can't stand the taste. Besides, I like having my entire thought capability (which, I admit, is not much..... :P) available to me at all times.

However, I will always remember tonight because my friend ordered and then made me eat squid. It was really good. Just strange putting stringy purple spotted tenticles into my mouth.

Now I got to hit the sack since I worked last night and I am working tomorrow and tomorrow night.

Later y'all.


Congrats Linuss. TX is catching up with you finally I see.