Yes, here it is. It seems many in our profession idle away some hours running PUGs and saving Azeroth.
What server and toon?
I play most of my players on Moonguard.
85 Mage
80 Paladin
80 Priest
70 rogue
Let the geeking begin!
I'm also on the Moon Guard server. I'm an Alliance player.
80 Human Death Knight (Vryz, a made-up name; rhymes with "whiz". Primarily a DPS by Blood, secondarily sometimes a Tank, sometimes experimental DPS in some other tree. Leveled in Unholy, and wanted to stay in that tree because it was fun, but at the time I played, Blood was capable of more DPS. My first character to 80, and what I consider to be my "main" in that he is the one I use to deliberately attempt achievements.)
80 Human Paladin (Verndari, which in Icelandic means protector or guardian. Primarily a healer, secondarily a tank. My newest character, leveled 1-80 in two weeks flat, about 7 days total playtime to 80.)
80 Human Warlock (Varðlokkur, which in Old Norse means "warlock". The ð is a letter called an "eth" and is pronounced like the
th in "thy" or "lathe"; the capital form is Ð. My second-to-newest character, leveled 1-80 in about 8 days total playtime over about 3 weeks.)
80 Human Priest (Borvo, a Celtic healing deity. Primarily a Holy healer, secondarily a Shadow DPS. I've experimented with Discipline healing, but there is a big difference between gearing for Discipline vs. Holy. Since Discipline is a better single-target tree vs. Holy being a better multi-target tree, and Paladins are superior single-target healers, I decided to concentrate my Priest on group healing, leaving tank healing to my Paladin.)
6x Night Elf Hunter, I forget the exact level (Mandalore, my original character. At the time I stopped playing, my primary focus was on leveling him to 80.)
5x Warrior, I forget the exact level.
I also have a couple of Level 1 banker/mule characters, and a very low-level Dwarf Rogue.
I stopped playing early this year. I would very much like to get back into the game now, what with the new expansion. It's not practical at this time for me to attempt that, though. Either I would end up spending so much time on the game that everything else that really matters (studying for EMT class, doing my online HazMat and EVOC classes, finding a job, etc.) would suffer, or else I would end up spending so little time on the game that it wouldn't be worth the cost. Frankly, knowing my personal history with the game, the former of the two is by far the more likely.