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***Please Note: I will refer to only ALS ambulances as “EMS” for this Post.
I was just sitting here watching “HEMS London” and it dawned on me after watching the European EMS system do as they do…. How much further ahead they are than the American system. (At least in my mind, maybe you all have differing opinions…) One major difference in systems I noted was the lack of Fire Dept. Personal running the Medical Calls… And I started to question FIRE’s role in EMS, “Aside from early access during rescue operations, why does fire have control over EMS related incidences, normally?”
Shouldn’t the EMS Ambulances who are Specific to MEDICAL incidences have Control on scene of a Medical Patient??? Shouldn’t the Fire department personnel who are Specific to Fire, Hazmat, Rescue/Salvage, etc. Operations have Control over Fire, Hazmat, Rescue/Salvage, etc.??? Like-wise for Law Enforcement?
Wouldn’t it be more logistically sound to keep the Fire Dept. Available for other Non-Medical calls that they and ONLY THEY could be running???
*** I am aware that every EMS system is different, but in California Fire has control over medical incidences and dependent upon their assessment they will either ride along in a support function or throw the patient to the EMS Ambulance Crew, WHO WILL STILL BE TAKING THE PATIENT TO THE HOSPITAL WITH A PARAMEDIC PROVIDING THE SAME CARE REGARDLESS IF FIRE MADE IT TO THE CALL AT ALL. ***
If one was to think long and hard about what FIRE is actually doing at a scene, it can be figured that it’s really no more than what an ambulance crew could be doing. (Aside from Rescue/Complicated Access operations.)
A short Theory: The Fire department has in a way shot themselves in the foot, what with improving advancements in fire safety, restrictions/regulations, etc. that actually do make a difference and do prevent a lot of fire’s from happening. But this is in essence a bad business move, defeating the fire department’s purpose and marginalizing the need for a fulltime fire department that is specific to ONLY running fire calls.
“Any service that exists to work towards marginalizing its own relevance will require, for its own buoyancy, an escape function or secondary capacity which must work at restoring its original level of necessity. Assuming of course the same road is not further taken to necessitate the need for a third function. …But leave it to the Fire Dept.”
EMS has since become “Fire’s Escape Function”, keeping the fire department running calls and appearing both busy and needed.
“Either send a Probie out in civi’s to go out and set fires or get the department trained as paramedics.” -A Fire Chief at some point in time…
I feel a specific Fire vs. EMS tension that I believe is founded on the idea that if fire is able to marginalize the need for EMS Ambulances, by making them appear incompetent, lazy, unkempt, and generally seconded the Fire department will be able to retain EMS for as long as the government and citizens agree with these gestures. Holding onto that which is not rightfully theirs. It is possible that American EMS is a system that is set up for fighters and there healthy longevity as ‘heroes’.
It seems to me that currently, at least the CA system, is ran with priority to Police, Fire and then EMS…
Priority as it seems should be reworked to: Law Enforcement, EMS, then Fire….
There are a lot of Great Minds and Hard-Thinkers that come together on this website and I would love for you to share your insights and make known my misspellings. :^D
-Thank you, Pre-empt.
--Some Things To
-Do you guys think if EMS(non-fire) wages were at par or above Fire/Police, we would have more control over local EMS systems?
-Do you think if to be a firefighter implied driving around in a goofy euro style fire box, with a goofy bright yellow bicycle helmet and functioning as a Second-IN medical service, you would still see 10,000 people put in an app for one available position at a dept.?
“You shouldn’t have a private company respond when a tax paying citizen calls 911.”
You wouldn’t have a private company providing fire safety and law enforcement, then why would you have a private company provide medical services. Shouldn’t the same government which provides law enforcement, fire/rescue provide Medical Services in the capacity of a government ambulance that takes you to the hospital and can administer beyond advanced life support in the field/on scene, like the HEMS in London with a Mobile Doctor?
***Please Note: I will refer to only ALS ambulances as “EMS” for this Post.
I was just sitting here watching “HEMS London” and it dawned on me after watching the European EMS system do as they do…. How much further ahead they are than the American system. (At least in my mind, maybe you all have differing opinions…) One major difference in systems I noted was the lack of Fire Dept. Personal running the Medical Calls… And I started to question FIRE’s role in EMS, “Aside from early access during rescue operations, why does fire have control over EMS related incidences, normally?”
Shouldn’t the EMS Ambulances who are Specific to MEDICAL incidences have Control on scene of a Medical Patient??? Shouldn’t the Fire department personnel who are Specific to Fire, Hazmat, Rescue/Salvage, etc. Operations have Control over Fire, Hazmat, Rescue/Salvage, etc.??? Like-wise for Law Enforcement?
Wouldn’t it be more logistically sound to keep the Fire Dept. Available for other Non-Medical calls that they and ONLY THEY could be running???
*** I am aware that every EMS system is different, but in California Fire has control over medical incidences and dependent upon their assessment they will either ride along in a support function or throw the patient to the EMS Ambulance Crew, WHO WILL STILL BE TAKING THE PATIENT TO THE HOSPITAL WITH A PARAMEDIC PROVIDING THE SAME CARE REGARDLESS IF FIRE MADE IT TO THE CALL AT ALL. ***
If one was to think long and hard about what FIRE is actually doing at a scene, it can be figured that it’s really no more than what an ambulance crew could be doing. (Aside from Rescue/Complicated Access operations.)
A short Theory: The Fire department has in a way shot themselves in the foot, what with improving advancements in fire safety, restrictions/regulations, etc. that actually do make a difference and do prevent a lot of fire’s from happening. But this is in essence a bad business move, defeating the fire department’s purpose and marginalizing the need for a fulltime fire department that is specific to ONLY running fire calls.
“Any service that exists to work towards marginalizing its own relevance will require, for its own buoyancy, an escape function or secondary capacity which must work at restoring its original level of necessity. Assuming of course the same road is not further taken to necessitate the need for a third function. …But leave it to the Fire Dept.”
EMS has since become “Fire’s Escape Function”, keeping the fire department running calls and appearing both busy and needed.
“Either send a Probie out in civi’s to go out and set fires or get the department trained as paramedics.” -A Fire Chief at some point in time…
I feel a specific Fire vs. EMS tension that I believe is founded on the idea that if fire is able to marginalize the need for EMS Ambulances, by making them appear incompetent, lazy, unkempt, and generally seconded the Fire department will be able to retain EMS for as long as the government and citizens agree with these gestures. Holding onto that which is not rightfully theirs. It is possible that American EMS is a system that is set up for fighters and there healthy longevity as ‘heroes’.
It seems to me that currently, at least the CA system, is ran with priority to Police, Fire and then EMS…
Priority as it seems should be reworked to: Law Enforcement, EMS, then Fire….
There are a lot of Great Minds and Hard-Thinkers that come together on this website and I would love for you to share your insights and make known my misspellings. :^D
-Thank you, Pre-empt.
--Some Things To
Think About---Do you guys think if EMS(non-fire) wages were at par or above Fire/Police, we would have more control over local EMS systems?
-Do you think if to be a firefighter implied driving around in a goofy euro style fire box, with a goofy bright yellow bicycle helmet and functioning as a Second-IN medical service, you would still see 10,000 people put in an app for one available position at a dept.?
“You shouldn’t have a private company respond when a tax paying citizen calls 911.”
You wouldn’t have a private company providing fire safety and law enforcement, then why would you have a private company provide medical services. Shouldn’t the same government which provides law enforcement, fire/rescue provide Medical Services in the capacity of a government ambulance that takes you to the hospital and can administer beyond advanced life support in the field/on scene, like the HEMS in London with a Mobile Doctor?