Who was your mentor?


Forum Crew Member
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Or, to phrase it different, was there a paramedic/EMT/Manager who you wanted to emulate?

In my case, I had 2.

The first one was the Eastern Sector manager, everyone always said if they were dying on the side of the road, that's the guy they would want workin on them. He used to be an army medic, at one point had supervised both the local EMS and another base, and had received the Exemplary Service Medal.

The second was a paramedic who I did most of my ride-outs with. Every medic I rode out with was a good medic, but this guy was definitely one of the best and taught me the most. I tried to "model" myself off of him when communicating with patients and family members.
I was my mentor.
I wanted to grow up and be an alcoholic, man-girdle wearing nymphomaniac lawyer.

That's what watching Rescue 911 does to you right?
I haven't met anyone in the field at either work or internships that I would want to emulate. I'll just be me and see how that goes.
Good one.

Being the first full time assigned fire EMT at my home airbase when I was active duty and we had to shoo the mastadonts off ther flightline, I was also my own mentor. After I was working private as well, I had a three bosses who were good role models and a coworker who was something of a mentor, but again mostly it was self-modeled.
My personal heroes were George Washington Carver and Thomas Edison, and my young mind was influenced by Robert Heinlein. Go figure, not a medical person in the batch.
I have two...

The first is an 18-year paramedic. He graduated from one of the top paramedic programs in the country at the time, is a Critical Care Paramedic, and has a CS in Business. He's coordinated a paramedic program and is in talks to coordinate another one. He was a human resources manager and later general manager at his former service and is the materials manager at our service now. He has received multiple awards, including one or two "paramedic of the year"s. Best of all, he is extremely knowledgeable and he loves to teach. He is one of the main reasons I'm doing as well as I am right now in school.

The other has only been a paramedic a few months, but already he has demonstrated his excellence. He also graduated from one of the top programs in the country, works for one of the premiere services in the state, is on multiple test-writing committees, and is an FP-C. He has an interview in December with a flight service that is waiving their experience requirements based solely upon his reputation and accomplishments. In December, he will be a paramedic for a year and a half. I look up to him because he is living proof that just because you are "new and don't know anything", you can still be a great contributor to the profession and the service for which you work.

Oh, and Chuck Norris.