

Forum Deputy Chief
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Okay, so I am on a 48 hr shift. Remember the days when I had really "fun" shifts to tell y'all about.... Well... Here ya are.

1 CP pt, HR of 230

1 MVC, 3 pts, 1 Trauma Alert transport via air

1 SO Deputy injured.... kicked square in the kahona's he was. That'll teach him not to wear one of those protector things!

1 Pediatric near respiratory arrest. Blue is not a normal color!

1 CVA pt

1 grenade explosion w/ 3 patients. 1 TA by air, 2- not TAs, ground http://www.pnj.com/apps/pbcs.dll/article?AID=/20080914/NEWS01/80914004

1 search for someone who ran into the gulf but did not come out. No pt found after calling out the SO chopper.

1 drowning call. 7 patients. 5 kids caught in the Gulf. Dad goes in after them, gets in trouble, becomes unconscious for a period of time. Bystander goes in to help dad. Lifeguards and FD get Dad and 5 kids out. 40 min search later and bystander is pulled out. Kids by ground, Dad by air, bystander - cardiac arrest - by ground. He was transported due to the scene, should have been DOA on the beach. (I am sure there will be a You Tube video available in short order as well!) http://www.pnj.com/apps/pbcs.dll/article?AID=/20080914/NEWS01/80914005

Best Friends mom unconscious.

I have not had to fly a patient while working on my truck in almost a year! I have flown 3 in less than 28 hours on this shift! 8 more hours to go!!
Wow, I haven't seen the much stuff in all the years I've been in EMS. Eight crazy calls with two making the newspaper... that's "Medic of the Month" material. Are you exhausted?
I think I work in a relatively busy and notorious part of Los Angeles . . . but damn, you had a really packed shift!
Wow! Sounds like you have been really busy.

About the only noteworthy run I have had recently was a single car MVC - 2004 Shelby Mustang convertible vs. utility pole. According to bystanders that witnessed it, the car was flipping and airborne when it hit the pole. Powerlines ended up across the car, but the pole had a transformer on it that blew, knocking out the power. The driver and passenger both self-extricated themselves as we were pulling up on the scene. We took both to a trauma center due to mechanism, but both of them got away with only bumps and bruises. (We were back at the same hospital a couple hours later and both of them were just waiting to be released.) Just goes to prove that the amound of alcohol consumed is inversely proportional to the injuries one will sustain when involved in a serious accident.

I haven't been home since Friday afternoon - I've been going between work and school.

I'm done at 7am. We didn't have anything friday night until an hour before shift change - where I had my first code with this company. Nothing last night, then we started off with a severe resp. diff.... almost bought plastic.

Steady with BS today... then not so much tonight. I'm going to try to get some sleep.

Hang on - Princess - GRENADE? As in big thing that goes BOOM? WTF?
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wow....my 48 hours hasnt been nearly that eventful either......thank God. Good Lord, what are you ppl doing down there in Florida???????? lol
Hang on - Princess - GRENADE? As in big thing that goes BOOM? WTF?

Yep....as in the thing that goes Ka-BOOM! Apparently, he had been carrying it around. With the huge military presence in our area, there is often unexploded ordinances found in the woods. So, he decided he would show his buddies what he had.... and you heard the rest.

Are you exhausted?

Yea... that set in about 20 hours ago. I did get a 2 hour nap this morning though, from about 1030-1230.

Tomorrow though... My son is in school. Shift change is at 6 am. I live 5.4 miles from my post. I can be asleep by 0615, and not wake up until 1530 when I need to get him.

But then, back to work on Tuesday..... It has to be a less eventful day. I won't even say it has been bad. I LOVE being busy...... But you know, thats like a months worth of busy for the "Norm" on my truck.

I have just been the lucky one. Right place, right time!
Get that woman a cup of coffee!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!11
Wow very busy!

Stay safe and well Medic Princess!!! :)
Do you work in the town that starts with a P?
Forget coffee, get that woman a box of wine.. right AirwayGoddess?
I wanna work 911! :P
Do you work in the town that starts with a P?

Not for my full time gig. My truck is based in the next town over. That particular shift covered the entire county and a 2 trips over to the beach... blah!

I am on a 72 hour shift now..... so far, 36 hours in and only 5 calls.

Fingers crossed for a great second half.
All in a days work, eh? (Well, 2 days in this case, I s'pose)