Where to start??


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Okay,I just got a honorable discharge 2 years into my contract with the coast guard do to a injury.Now I have always wanted to have a career as a EMT.....I just dont know where to start.......How long it takes....how hard it is to get a job...etc....costs...etc...

Also iam going to be moving from where iam now in Sacramento california to portland oregon in 3-4 months......would it be better to wait until I got there.

Any advice and help will be apereciated.
take it in Oregon. your certification will be based on the state unless you get reciprocity. You might just make it simple and take it in Oregon.

EMT-B is a 3 month course. Paramedic take a year or so usually after your an EMT-B for a year.
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cool, Is it prety easy to get ur emt b??and how about how hard is it to get a job??any more info would be apreciated.
Depends. It will be easy to get a job doing non emergenyc transports. I don't know anything about 911 in Oregon.
Well I can not speak about the BLS side in OR, however I can talk about the ALS side.

Since 1999, OR has required ALL medics to have a 2 year college degree. Keep that standard in mind and make plans to increase your education if EMS is your goal.

Their reciprocity process is a bear, so I would wait until you get settled in your new home and then go take the class. Scope out the area job market, talk to different companies, services, etc.


The above site is where you need to go for homework.

The next link shows all approved schools for your training so you can begin contacting them.


Good Luck!
unless you've gone for your emt-P , there's more $$$ in asking if you 'want fries with that' RISK

I have several friends who have gone through Oregon's EMT-B repricocity and it is pretty elaborate. I'd say if the move is a definite, wait and certify in Oregon originally.