Where do you keep your BVM/Combi-Tube?

In our basic trucks (that do mostly IFT and some backup rescue), we have oral airways and an adult BVM in the jump bag. Combitubes, NPAs, and other BVMs typically stay on the shelf.

Our advanced trucks have OPAs, NPAs, all sizes BVMs, Combitubes, and ETI kits in the jump bags.
at my last few places of employment on a truck we had 3 bags. One was an "airway bag" which consisted of ET tubes, laryngyscope , 2 D Tanks, OPAs, NPAs, King-LT(don't use combi-tubes anymore), BVM of every size, etc. second bag was the "trauma bag" consisted of all your trauma related goodies, and the third was self self explanatory med bag. All our trucks were ALS equipped with MICU capabilites even if it was a BLS crew running... TxDHS is really fickle and pull over ambulances all the time in El Paso, and in AZ we didn't really have a problem there...
We have minimum 5 bvms on our trucks. One in the first-in bag, one in each of our two trauma jump kits, one in our peds kit, and one in the truck in a cabnet.