When to change jobs


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So, I have worked at my current EMS job for over a year. I like where I work, I get chances to do 911. The problem is, I can't stand the commute anymore its killing me. I drive at least an hour home so when I drive home from 16s I can be really tired. I'm thinking of applying to a closer ift only job and doing a paid per a call department until I get my medic. Anyone have any insight or have been in a similar situation?
So, I have worked at my current EMS job for over a year. I like where I work, I get chances to do 911. The problem is, I can't stand the commute anymore its killing me. I drive at least an hour home so when I drive home from 16s I can be really tired. I'm thinking of applying to a closer ift only job and doing a paid per a call department until I get my medic. Anyone have any insight or have been in a similar situation?
I have similar experience with that as far as jobs outside of ems. If I were you I would focus more so on medic school and education. Try and put school first before everything else. Good luck and I hope you make a good choice! :cool:
Move closer or get another job or tell them you can't hack 16 hr shifts.
The problem is, I can't stand the commute anymore its killing me. I drive at least an hour home so when I drive home from 16s I can be really tired.
not for nothing, but 12 hour shifts are pretty standard in EMS. if you are doing 16s, than I'm guessing you are doing doubles at work due to your commute?

My former job used to cap us at 18s (a shift and a half). after that, mandatory 6 hours off. if you ran for 18, it was a long long day.

It this is to be your career, and this job is going to be your career, I'd look at relocating. Get an apartment closer to work, and once you finish medic school, you might end up moving again to closer to your medic job.