What's that red button on the radio for?

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The are 6 EMS agencies that use the same frequency, and we dont get much done...our 2 most outlying trucks have to switch to the fire channel most times to be heard...and because of the other people around us on the same freq, the FCC said no repeater. Top it all off with the fact that the county doesnt want to invest in a new freq, we kinda have to wait in line over other agencies that have 10,000 watt dispatch terminals.
Who dispatches you? The county/city? Does each agency have their own dispatcher?
Here the county has its own freq and thus its own repeater. We have two dispatch offices. One at SO which does mostly Police type dispatches but they can switch to the county-wide system that is used by FD/EMS (They are seperate but share the same dispatch makes sense eh?)

Far as I know of there hasnt been any major problems of having backlogs but Im sure it happens occasionally.

MMiz said:
That's what I'd like to think happens, but I'm thinking on our radios it's just for decoration.

I know on our radios (model MTS2000) it does show up in dispatch as an alarm. I can't remember if it locks the system or not, but it's basically worthless since no one knows which radio is carried by which person. So you can push the button to let them know you're in trouble, but they'll have no idea who or where you are so if you can't talk... you're screwed. Makes me feel all warm and safe inside. Hey, I'm in trouble but there's nothing you can do to help me, but go ahead and start looking! We should probably start figuring out who's got what, but since we share with pd and are kind of like the illegitimate child of the department, that's probably not going to happen.

People press it on accident every once in awhile here, but it's not big deal, they just key up and say 'I pushed the button on accident, sorry.'
*sigh* Knowing what I know about radio systems (which is a lot but I'll freely admit that there is a lot more to know) it's sad to hear all these stories. Comms is probably the most important piece of equipment on a rig. Sure some people are dispatched by pager, but if you don't have a radio how are they going to know you're responding? And as mentioned here, how do you call for additional personnel, whether the scene is bigger than you expected or you have the psych pt who doesn't want to go to the hospital tonight?

I was a communications officer for a bit:wacko: so I know for a fact on my end it makes an irritating tone through everyone's headset followed by 15 seconds of open mic action...:P
We are dispatched by the county, which is a central dispatch point for everyone in the county- city pd, county so, EMS, and FD. The police always get 1st priority on calls, then the FD, and us last, unless one of the first 2 is the vicitm.
Okay, soooooo PD has a freq, SO has a freq, fire has a freq, and EMS has a freq, but the EMS freq is shared by six agencies. Am I correct?

How does it get decided who (which company) gets the run?

And how big (population) is your county?
yes chimpie you are correct...the other agencies that use the EMS freq are in different counties surrounding us...and no one here seems to know what a PL code is...so we get to hear everyone else...as far as I know our dispatch console only puts out 1000 watts, and everyone else blows us out of the water... our pop. is roughly 70,000...with 10,000+ EMS calls a year...EMS is the redheaded stepchild though...
FFEMT1764 said:
yes chimpie you are correct...the other agencies that use the EMS freq are in different counties surrounding us...and no one here seems to know what a PL code is...so we get to hear everyone else...as far as I know our dispatch console only puts out 1000 watts, and everyone else blows us out of the water... our pop. is roughly 70,000...with 10,000+ EMS calls a year...EMS is the redheaded stepchild though...
There are six EMS agencies for 70k people? :unsure:

And 10k calls is like 27 calls a day?

WTF is going on in your county?
No no, 6 EMS agencies on same frequency, they are all in seperate yet adjacent counties...ie, my county and 5 counties within 50 miles of me share the same frequency...We have 1 911 srevice and 2 convo services in my county...sorry I wasnt specific enough earlier...
That is such a horrible set up. Spend a few thousand in each county and improve it. Plain and simple.
Here is the kicker chimpie, there are 3 different states involved in this as well...3 counties in SC, 2 in NC, and 1 in GA...I doubt you can get 6 agencies in 3 states to agree on anything...
We have the red button, supposedly when you press it an alert goes off at dispatch and at the State police network monitoring station. It was supposed to tie in to the MDC/MDT’s that they are thinking of taking back as they were paid for by the trash department or someone and belong to them..Anyways…

Prior to the red button we were supposed to say “code xxx” and they would send heaven and earth to your location. In reality, if you stated that the dispatcher more often then not comes back with “Medic XX, what is your emergency” or “Do you need a supervisor” etc. All stuff bound to get you an a** kicking if your in a house and have to say it, if you can say it.

Now, with the invention of the magic red button you have a false sense of security. The radio on the truck is on a list at dispatch and each truck now has two preps, both on a list at dispatch. You hit the button, someone finds the list, finds the number and then “Medic XXX, what’s your emergency” or “Medic XXX, are you requesting scout?” If you don't answer they radio for a supervisor and explain you hit the panic button, they tried to raise you and you were last at xxx address. So now, if the jake with the gun didn't know what was going on he probably had a clue when the dispatcher gave out his address saying you had an emergency.

It’s a crock the way it is implemented here, so much so that a trip to the sandbox or going back to the privates seems like a much safer option and in all honesty one I think I am going to make for next semester..

Stay safe
When you hit the red button, turn down/off the radio.

Thats why I LOVE the cops wearing earphones... great officer safety device.
MedicStudentJon said:
When you hit the red button, turn down/off the radio.

Thats why I LOVE the cops wearing earphones... great officer safety device.
Don't turn off the radio, because sometimes, as this depends on the programming, when you hit the panic button it opens the microphone up for approx 30 seconds to allow the dispatcher and other radio holders to hear what is going on at your location.
But I'm all for using an obscure "code" to acknowledge and confirm the emergency identifier. PD does this, they get a "Status Check" call 1-3 minutes into any call after going onscene. If they don't answer, backup goes. If they fail to answer EXACTLY the right way, backup goes. Greatest system -they call and say "what is your status" and the officer replies "I'm good" or some other non-standard response, and the calvary shows up. Same with FD/EMS and the emergency identifiers... if we don't clear it correctly, everyone comes.

Our system switches and locks the portable onto an EMERGENCY channel until dispatch releases it. That portable and dispatch are the only two that hear what is going on.

This makes me wanna break in to an ambulance push the red button and tell them they have thoughtlessly and selfishly parked their unit in my parking space. ROFLMAO... :D (just kidding)

CaptainPanic said:
This makes me wanna break in to an ambulance push the red button and tell them they have thoughtlessly and selfishly parked their unit in my parking space. ROFLMAO... :D (just kidding)

Why would you do that?
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