What would you do?


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what would you be doing if you weren't in ems? not inhealth care?
Honestly, I have no idea. I have worked in microbiology labs as a tech in the past, and I have a degree as a paralegal. I didn't like doing either one of them at all. I would probably be job hopping, hating what I was doing, but trying to tolerate it just to make a living.
I would probably go back to school and figure out what else would be fun and interesting. I would probably be an SO or PD, or I don't know maybe back to construction.

probably network administration
I would probably become a mad scientist in the biochem, or pharm research probably.
Enologist or Viticulturist

Leave it to Vent to use big words for wine maker! :P

I think I'd be in special education. I used to work with TMD and autistic children during middle and some of high school and I loved them. Or maybe a social worker or guidance counselor.
Leave it to Vent to use big words for wine maker! :P

I think I'd be in special education. I used to work with TMD and autistic children during middle and some of high school and I loved them. Or maybe a social worker or guidance counselor.

Really good jobs right there. My cousin has cerebral Paulsie (sp? unsure). and I actually had a way less life immobilizing version of autism. They are so much fun.

Seeing Vent's post so made me think of that movie (Lets go to prison) :P
I'd be playing a helluva lot more golf...
What I've always wanted to do... be a LEO.

But in reality, it would have to be SOME job that wasn't a normal 9-5 in a cubicle. I need variety to enjoy my job, and if I don't enjoy my job, there is no point in doing it.
Environmental quality technician or disaster preparedness specialist

However, at this point in my life, "retired" would be fine, thanks.
However, at this point in my life, "retired" would be fine, thanks.

Retirement!? You can retire when you're dead. You've still got a good 10 or 20 years left in ya! :P
Retire when I'm dead? What's the point of that?

Work to live, not live to work

PS: To all you youngsters who will soon be paying for our Social Security: ignore that;)).
Forest Service... need to be out and not in an office and love the outdoors...

That of open my own Olive Garden franchise!
I'd probably be job hopping...
Porn star.