what would you do about this pay rate yours/vs new employees?

reapply for your job

at least it's entertaining
There are all sorts of things that can affect pay. I am part time and work sesonally on ym summer break and winter break. I get more per hour than most of the other basics. Why? Besides the fact that this private company is down manpower and when I show up they can run an extra truck (our trucks sit empty often), I am also pursuing a BS in Biomedical Engineering and eventually Medical School. Some of they guys I work with only have GEDs. Theres a lot that goes into what people get paid, and timing certainly helped me. Fresh out of the Fire Academy's EMT program for less than a week and I already had 3 offers. We were taught at the Academy to take the first offer out of school, but when I received 3 in a matter of days, naturally I took the one that paid the most.
Where I work, we all get paid about the same, it depends on what GS level you are or whether you are permanent or seasonal.

Those are base rates. Seasonal staff makes the base, permanent staff gets step increases plus benefits. And our jobs are not just EMS but can be much more complicated and more hats to wear.
ok, so i just got up to date with all my replies to this.. to let some people know, i was not snooping. i had went inside the bank to deposit my check, my partner looked at my check stub, and then showed me the one the guy left in the ambulance. since my post, this is what has happened.... boss did give me quarter raise. someone asked why i did not go full time, well i have been first in line for full time for 19 months now. a spot opened up, it went to bosses step son because techinically he worked for the company longer. someone asked why i dont go on to paramedic, well honestly, i cannot afford it. plus the schools around here will not accept you unless you have been an emt for two years. i was going to sign up for the class this fall, but we are having issues with the county service now, so i am lucky to get 10 hours a week. i have put in applications other places, but nowhere is hiring...
Well, you could always join the armed forces. :P

But yeah, like everyone has already said: prove yourself. Go beyond what you're expected to do. Help out on/off duty as long as it doesn't interfere with your expected work.

If he had been working there longer than you, you can't really complain that they got the full time slot.

If you have financial issues, try putting an application to places that don't have to include EMS-related work. Hell, go work at McDonalds and earn some money. Then you can go to med school.
i think i will pass on the armed forces, anyone in their right mind wouldnt let me be armed!!! (-:
im about over all this now.. i would come into work any and everytime they called, no matter what i was doing, done anything and everything i was asked. even would come in and drive ambulances two hours to have them serviced, and wait while they were serviced. i feel like they have done me wrong in so many ways. i was talking to a girl that started a few months after me, and they are doing her about the same. there was a guy that came in over a year after us, and with our hours being cut, he is getting double what we are getting together, there is another guy that came in 8 months after us, and is getting the same as the other guy, bosses excuse for him is that he helps keep up maintenance on trucks. just like this week.. one guy is scheduled 38 hours, the other has 48. i have 24 (was 12) and the other girl has 12..
i used my change i made at waffle house to pay my way through emt school. they have asked me to come back there, but i have talked to other workers and they say they dont get many tips at all anymore.. but an adult living facility just opened up a night shift, so i might look into that....
Do what you must to get by.

However, remember that whining (especially in the workplace) is nothing but counter-productive. Rather, pull up your socks, take it with a grain of salt and keep on truckin'.
Start a union.
so i have never had a problem about what i was being paid until now.. i have worked for this company for over a year. i never have recieved a raise. i make 10.25 a hour. i am part time, full time employees make around 11 a hour. recently the bosses son, who was a dispatcher for the company before he recieved his emt license, makes 12 a hour. he has been an emt for less than 2 months, but makes more than the rest of us. is their a law against this? we are in tennessee. the thing that gets me is, about a week ago, the bosses step son was complaining that he only makes 9 something an hour, since it was just switched form his dispatch pay... the other day, he had left his check stub in the ambulance, which is how i found out.. is there anything we can do or since we live in a right to work state nothing we can do? i dont really want to make a big deal of this, because i love working where i am, but i also want to move out of my parents house, but cannot afford to because of the "part time" status...

Move to a company or state where nepotism isn't as prevalent?

The South is known for this sort of thing, why does this surprise you?
I'd take your salary.

I make $7.40 (min wage) and $7.66 at the other place.

Old job I was making $8.40 a hour (station car) and $10.40 on a transfer car.
I'd take your salary.

I make $7.40 (min wage) and $7.66 at the other place.

Old job I was making $8.40 a hour (station car) and $10.40 on a transfer car.

Is that even minimum wage? Oh it is I missed that part.

Thats ridiculous
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