what to do with the children

Let's keep it on topic please.
Since we are volly and everyone and their grandmother shows up and is in the unit somehow, there would have been plenty of EMTs around or FRs to stay with the children. It may have taken a tiny bit of coordination, but not 20 minutes worth. Not everyone who shows up on scene here goes on the rig. But the extra hands come in useful when picking up unconcious patients from the floor.
Make sure we feed them sugar before dumping them on the cops?

Nawwwww....let the cops do that. Doughnuts are excellent for that.

On second thought, send you partner to the supermarket, have him pick up 10 dozen doughnuts, give them to the kids, then the cops will show up w/o even being asked.:P
So here you go, what would you do?

You are dispatched to an unknown medical for a 42 yo female. You arrive to find a female, unresponsive, no signs of trauma, yada, yada, yada. Here is the fun part, this female runs an at home day care and there are six - 2 to 5 year olds running around. Hospital is 25 minutes away. What would you do? For the sake of not influencing the responses I am not telling what we did.

put them in the side compartment and strap em in
Did she come out okay from the whole experience? 3 days is about when body functions start to act weird, from my limited knowledge.

Yeah, you should see what that does to the body's energy reserves and the reticular activating system (RAS) of the brain. Particularly when using drugs not meant to induce general anesthesia or sedation. Bad plan.

on a lighter note

"What do you do with unwanted children?"

"Burn 'em in the fire place!"

What musical (later a movie) are those lyrics from?

hint: audience help me out? You might find the answer in the Plain Dealer.

(and if you know you are as sick and twisted as I am , and we will have a good time in hell)
Versed and morphine in the kids drink bottles, take patient to hospital while the kids have a snooze.

Is this a trick question?

Where I can I find such juice boxes?
Put a touch of midaz and some ketamine in thier apple juice man the kids will have a wicked experience :D

If the Fire Service are on scene then the kids will more than likely be distracted by the big red apparati

If not, call the cops .... oooh donuts