I volunteer for a search and rescue team nearby, and we we're involved in the big illinois state search this last weekend(can't really say anymore then that about the search itself).
But on this search I did about 10 miles of walking through brush/bryers/dense stuff with the occasional 50 degree 100 ft down ravine slope to go up and down and along side of etc.
Being one of the members on my team with emt-b I carried a bunch of extra medical gear in my pack as opposed to the simple bandaids and bug spray most people carried. Just incase someone tripped or lost their footing or whatever, maybe broke their ankle or who knows what, just so I could be ready. The area where we searched the response time from moment of call out to the moment an ALS service could get down to where we were might have easily been 20+ minutes depending on how far in we were.
But that in addition to standard sar gear was a 25lb pack, which after the first 4 hrs wasn't too bad but the 2nd 4 hours, especially climbing up and down the ravine was vicious. Too the point I need to lighten the pack because I had to have someone else carry it on the way out. Which got me thinking and to the point of this topic:
For the above scenario, where your the only medic on you'r team, going into heavy brush and stuff far enough in where response time is lengthy and you don't have an atv handy, what would you carry as a basic service in your medic pack to support your team of 6-8?
But on this search I did about 10 miles of walking through brush/bryers/dense stuff with the occasional 50 degree 100 ft down ravine slope to go up and down and along side of etc.
Being one of the members on my team with emt-b I carried a bunch of extra medical gear in my pack as opposed to the simple bandaids and bug spray most people carried. Just incase someone tripped or lost their footing or whatever, maybe broke their ankle or who knows what, just so I could be ready. The area where we searched the response time from moment of call out to the moment an ALS service could get down to where we were might have easily been 20+ minutes depending on how far in we were.
But that in addition to standard sar gear was a 25lb pack, which after the first 4 hrs wasn't too bad but the 2nd 4 hours, especially climbing up and down the ravine was vicious. Too the point I need to lighten the pack because I had to have someone else carry it on the way out. Which got me thinking and to the point of this topic:
For the above scenario, where your the only medic on you'r team, going into heavy brush and stuff far enough in where response time is lengthy and you don't have an atv handy, what would you carry as a basic service in your medic pack to support your team of 6-8?