What the H&//

It sounds like some companies are not utilizing their personnel correctly on the "slow" days. We have enough duty lists to keep everyone busy for a few hours. Equipment checks, compliance charts, QC forms, training and education etc are all things that don't have to pile up to the last minute waiting for someone else to do them. There's too much to do if you are in EMS to just be sitting around complaining. Those that do that probably don't know what their job actually consists of and the requirements/responsibility/accountability that go with it.

Many enjoy only the cool stuff of calls and use the word "BS" often if the call doesn't meet their expectations of "exciting". Thus, these will be the same people complaining about having to QC an accu-chek even though they thought they were entitled to have one. Like getting a puppy, they just want to play with it but not take care of it.

Use the slow days to you advantage to keep the skills and education current. Read some medical journals. Do some interactive scenarios instead of surfing the net.

I totally see what your sayin'. We being a vollie squad many have things they need to do after a call, ie go back to work or what have you. Each person has their "job" being maintence of rig, inventory, or secretary duties. But if you try to make a suggestion, that is where the BS starts. Those with their set "jobs" are very territorial. Which I think it a big ol' load of crap!!! everyone should be doing the jobs. One of these days the person isn't going to be around to do it and then it won't get done, cuz no one else knows how to do it.
Even though I am female, I have to say sometimes too much estrogen in a squad is disaster, disaster:D
Even though I am female, I have to say sometimes too much estrogen in a squad is disaster, disaster:D

No kidding. I think that is what the biggest problem is. I to am female, but damn..
How long have you been with this organization EMTWintz and what is your role within the group?
How long have you been with this organization EMTWintz and what is your role within the group?

That is where it gets tricky. I started back in 2001 ran with them till I got knocked up (2 years in a row) quit to take care of kiddo's rejoined in 2004, moved away for year and a half 9/06-3/08. Rejoined back in march this year. Returned to only 3 original members all the rest new. My role is to assist those who need help. Be that helping the Chief with PR or the sec. with typing up minutes or filing run reports