I think that is great!! You will gain a lot of experience and I think it is nicer to start out with a smaller company a.k.a mom and pop. So, you are going to have to send us a picture of your ambulance! Congrats! :beerchug:
Congrats on the new job. Sounds like a good place that will work with you. While I work for AMR they are so big that they can be callous when it comes to personnel needs like that.
My boyfriend works at Wal-mart's Distribution Center making $14 an hour so I figured I would join him.......
But as the last bit of hope slipped away from sight, MedFleet called and said they had an opening available and that orientation is on Tuesday!
Well after being on the road for the past three days I'm getting the hang of it. This company is definitely more my style and tends to cater towards new EMT's as no real emergency stuff is involved. We will periodically in a shift get a call from a nursing home to the ER because of a possible fractured hip, etc. so you get to practice your assessment skills there. I feel I am too timid with patients/overall patient care and hope to God this job will help me overcome it.
The schedule here is freaking awesome, by the way. I told them I have school Mondays and Wednesdays so I'm not going to be scheduled there. You only have to work 30 hours to be considered full time and most people only work four days here, but can range from 3-5 days a week. I'm trying to get a schedule that works with schooling and still allots me a life. Although I'm only on a "training" schedule, I'm leaning towards the night shift because my last job was nightshift and I enjoyed it and also jump suits. Who doesn't want to wear a jump suit??
Yes, dealing with patients will get you better at dealing with patients. Do it up. If your willing to spend a few bucks I recommend How to Win Friends and Influence People
Sounds pretty awsome rye! Mom and Pop companies are a good way to start learning the job! As far as jumpsuits goes, too many pockets! ^_^ I can lose keys with too many pockets!