Of all three emergency response jobs (fire dept, police, and ems), EMS appealed to me the most.
I thought about doing police work, but I am not a violent person, and I believe that my passiveness could lead to myself or someone else getting hurt in that career field.
My other possible career is fire fighting, but due to the rarity of payed departments nearby, I decided not to do it.
Last, but ofc not least (since I am here) was being an EMT. I never thought about it until recently and really never noticed them other than rarely passing by them when driving or seeing them on a TV show. But they play a very important role in health care and do make a difference between life and death. I like the idea of saving someone's life, I have no problem working under pressure, and like the idea of working with firefighters, police officers, and fellow EMTs.
But the downsides are the low pay for starting off, but I presume that with additional training, I will start making a lot better moolah. But it's not like I care much about money anyway...
I just want to be the guy walking on the scene who can make the difference between life or death and who others look up to.