What is your rank or title.

Emergency Medical Technician - Basic - at work

Paramedic Student - in school

Paramedic Intern (ie "who are you?") - in clinical rotations

Training officer - volunteer squad
EMT-Basic and gadfly.
Mine is Band-aid Jockey.
LOL. I'm occasionally known as Mista Ambalance Man

You too? Although they call me the White Ambalance Dude more often.

While my title isn't as unique as some of yours, I am and EMT-I and Crew Chief. I have been called S**t magnet at times, and more frequently am a jack of all trades, but master of none.
Captain at my full time job
Field Supervisor at my part time job
in my company we refer to each other as taxi drivers.. so i suppose I am a taxi driver.. but that piece of paper says EMT-B
Sergeant of the Cadet Corps for my Squad.

The people around the Squad call me Silent Bob, though. ^_^