If you want I could list several whackers that post/have posted here if you want examples. ^_^ But...
In short: MFR or EMT that just got their cert and feel that it is now their personal resposibility to save the world; although whackers know no specific age or length of time in EMS.
L&S on POV. Jump bag bigger than an ambo's in your truck. Scanner on 24/7. Jumping calls without belonging to a emergency service organization. Carrying your own radio with you 24/7. Buying pretty much anything from Galls. Turning your POV into an ambo. Buying your own gold badge to put in your wallet. Wearing nothing but t-shirts that say EMS or EMT on them. Racing Fire Engines to the scene of a call you heard on a scanner. Stoping for every car accident and declaring yourself the IC. <cough> <couhg> Posting about nothing but boots, the benifits of LED lights, your favorite stethoscope, how you can get blue lights on your toyota crapola, what knives and trauma shears you carry, what your favorite batbelt accessories are, how you can legally get oxygen tanks for your car, if a standard backboard will fit into your toyota crapola... you get the idea.
But it can be pretty much wrapped up in the idea that some believe that getting a certificate from your state stating that you are now an EMT-B measn that you have the authority and/or resposibility to save the world. The cert card becomes a badge to some, with some hidden Super Hero status that I am unaware of. Also, they tend to believe that their shiny new card from NREMT means that they are the end-all/be-all of Emergency Services and are... SPECIAL... :wacko:
They are also the ones who most often use the phrases "we were taught to do this..." or "you are suppossed to..." to which they end their authoritative statements with gems of knowledge like explaining to EMS veterans how to administer oral glucose or how to ventilate a patient... mind you, they just started their EMT class 2 weeks ago after being an "customer relations supervisor" at McDonalds for 4 months...
Again... I could point out a few great posts that highlight this... but, I have very few forum violations, and would like to keep it that way...