What have you done or would you do in this "sticky wicket" ?

You're at more risk at drawing attention to yourself if they continue to whisper to you, rather than a one time response.
everyone is going to come up with different things to say. we dont know your personality so we arent going to be able to come up with the perfect line. if its that big of a deal to you then just pull him aside and and tell him. some people only need a little hint and others need the "i want to focus on class right now so please be quiet" yeah its harsh but that is what the guy needed (he flunked out at midterm). after you tell him whatever you come up with explain. "i dont mind talking to you. i actually enjoy it but during class we both need to focus on what the instructor is saying. when you ask me questions i cant focus on what is being taught and you cant either." if its a question about class then ask the instructor. if its just conversation tell him to wait off. dont be afraid to tell people to not talk right now. if you need to focus on something serious then tell them.
Hey were either EMS,Nursing, Fire or Law Enforcement, (basicly public safty)were not exactly known for our tact when dealing with each other, meaning we usually say what's on our mind, tell him/her they are bothering you using your choice of words. problem solved.
I will have to muster a "not right now" the next time it happens.....

And be polite and cool around everyone else so if the person ever tries to talk :censored::censored::censored::censored: they would get shouted down about it.
You can quote me...

well if someone had a habit of talking to you during classes or meetings, would you take them aside, and if so, how would you phrase it ?

Who asked ya?

And me? I'm just curious; must you go on and on about this?

That's a technique called HONESTY. Something like...

Well then would you just shut up, you're giving me a hemorrhoid!
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