What do You think

we are assuming alot here, this may just be past medical history, Is this a new diagnosis or is this old and under control. You need to find that out before you proceed. And keep you partner away from flashing lights,regardless of when it was diagnosed. (lol)

Actually even if old and controlled the service needs to know.
As long as it is a condition that is kept under control by meds and the person gets an aura or some other feeling before a seizure, I have no problem.
Consult your state regulations

In fact, if there is no law against it and the employee has met any other licensure and legal criteria, it may be illegal to deny them employment unless the basic nature of the empoyment is intrinsically too dangerous, or prohibitively expensive to facilitate, regarding the employee's condition. There are many poeple driving private autos with seizure disorder but sucessfully medicated. Commercial driving licenses may be prohibited (don't know the law on that but I think that would bar their driving). Nothing against dispatch, teaching, or even being an administrator?
I saw an excellent person who had one grand mal due to fatigue during a scout campout hounded out of the troop by other parents who did everything but accuse that parent of being possessed. Went on to cofound another trop, did fine!
i dont think its safe to work with a person like that. Although i do feel bad that they have to suffer for something they cant control.