What do you guys think

Because you get to sleep with hot nurses and be a hero!

Hero? Had my pic in the local paper twice and once on CNN, but am usually the redheaded step child to the Glorius Fire Boys.

Hot Nurses? Ha... Ha... Ha... Despite the appeal in the "EMS Brochure", they have yet to deliver. Have you seen most of the nurses in most ERs? :unsure: CNAs?... ... ... maybe. Now, I will give FFs this... the few female FFs I know are all H.O.T. :excl: B) :excl:
Hero? Had my pic in the local paper twice and once on CNN, but am usually the redheaded step child to the Glorius Fire Boys.

Hot Nurses? Ha... Ha... Ha... Despite the appeal in the "EMS Brochure", they have yet to deliver. Have you seen most of the nurse in most ERs? :unsure: Now, I will give FFs this... the few female FFs I know are all H.O.T. :excl: B) :excl:

The male nurses and doctors down here are smokin'!
The male nurses and doctors down here are smokin'!

Um... sorry, not my brand of whisky. Until the day Jessica Simpson or Jessica Biel start working in my local ER... I'll have to be content with hitting on the patients... you know the FEMALEs that slip off the pole at our local strip club or the ones that are skinny dipping in the river when they get swept down stream and have to have little old Swiftwater "Hero" me come in to gently caress... uh, I mean carry them to safety... j/k B)
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I just finished an EMT-B course last month. Out of a class of 30 students there were 5 of us not directly afiliated with a fire dept. 2 of them were volunteers from a SAR group with conections to an EMS/Fire agency, myself and one other from my SAR team and one non-affiliated.

With some of the FFers there was a clearly I'm doing this because I have to attitude. I admit I was supprised by thier attitude and a bit put off by it. It also makes me not so sure I would want a FF in general working on me or a family member. One thing for sure there are certain fellow students I would not allow to touch me or a family member based on what I saw in class.

Less than a third of the class placed above 90%. Because I was there because I wanted to be I did very well. I had a final written score of 95%, a class overall of 95% and passed all of my state practical exams. I'm also proud to say that my teammate was also in the top of the class. I think becasue we wanted to be there and payed our own way that we were more highly motivated to do well.

In fact I had so much fun in class and enjoyed it so much I decided to enroll in the local community college and start working on my pre-regs so I can get into the Nursing Program. My end goal is a BSN and eventually becoming a flight nurse.
I just finished an EMT-B course last month. Out of a class of 30 students there were 5 of us not directly afiliated with a fire dept. 2 of them were volunteers from a SAR group with conections to an EMS/Fire agency, myself and one other from my SAR team and one non-affiliated.

With some of the FFers there was a clearly I'm doing this because I have to attitude. I admit I was supprised by thier attitude and a bit put off by it. It also makes me not so sure I would want a FF in general working on me or a family member. One thing for sure there are certain fellow students I would not allow to touch me or a family member based on what I saw in class.

Less than a third of the class placed above 90%. Because I was there because I wanted to be I did very well. I had a final written score of 95%, a class overall of 95% and passed all of my state practical exams. I'm also proud to say that my teammate was also in the top of the class. I think becasue we wanted to be there and payed our own way that we were more highly motivated to do well.

In fact I had so much fun in class and enjoyed it so much I decided to enroll in the local community college and start working on my pre-regs so I can get into the Nursing Program. My end goal is a BSN and eventually becoming a flight nurse.

From our little 'ol SAR Team out here in the Sierra Nevadas: greetings and congrats on the EMT. Wanting to be an EMT sure has it's benifits over being forced to get your EMT certification... most notably a desire to continue learning.
It also makes me not so sure I would want a FF in general working on me or a family member.

Don't think that, just because those students did that. There are GREAT providers that work with the FD, and those that aren't that great. Just like any other place.
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I believe that a 75 is the absolute minimal passing grade allowed. I am more in favor of an 80. At the same time it's an overall grade, not specific to any one test. If you get a 79 (or 74) in the final I would be happy to pass you assuming the overall average was.

I taught Basic school for a semester a few years ago, before moving to MA. I was happy to fail about half the class. Others barely passed. A few rocked it.
As I said I did really well in the class my lowest test score was an 80% but I ended up with a 99.9% in the class got a 90% on the midterm and an 88% on final but I was just wondering how other schools are
From our little 'ol SAR Team out here in the Sierra Nevadas: greetings and congrats on the EMT. Wanting to be an EMT sure has it's benifits over being forced to get your EMT certification... most notably a desire to continue learning.

Thanks. It feels good to have finally done it. It is something I have wanted to do for years. Between working swingshifts and having a brand new daughter plans kept getting put on hold. I lost my job last december which finally freed up the time.
Don't think that, just because those students did that. There are GREAT providers that work with the FD, and those that aren't that great. Just like any other place.

I don't disagree with you. I guess in my naiveity of the fire profession I assumed (I know) that everyone gave their all. You would think I would understand human nature better by now but I guess dispite my growing cynacism I am still an idealist deep down inside.

There were several of my fellow students that did an outstanding job in the class and I know and have worked with several firefighters in the past. I would have no qualms if I or somebody I knew needed EMS and these individuals were on scene. I guess for me it was supprising to see how many of the students were just going through the motions. I'm sure that the majority of them will take it more seriously as they are on the job and see the importance of being proficient. Unfortantly there were a couple of sudents who lacked (in my opinion) the appropriate professionalism for the job and make me question their proficiency (at least as EMTs).
im in tennessee.. we had to have at least an 80 % in class to take the final test and a 70% to pass the test...