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mostly water colors, but I loved just to draw with pastels. Then he asked if I did houses, I said no and he said he'd give me a job painting his barn.
At least I know I have a job if Paramedic falls through, right??
With watercolors?

The strangest things I've been asked during an interview (for jobs) were:
1-If I'd completed my mission trip yet. (I'm not Mormon, though, so it was awkward.) Still got a job offer.
2-If I was single, because the lady's daughter needed someone who, in her words, "wasn't stupid." The interview just got more casual from there, and I was given the job without having to even take the last test.
The worst interview I ever had involved the interviewer not showing up, and the replacement person coughing spit on my face, and then not knowing where her office was being relocated, when I did. It was mostly laughable and also somewhat outrageous.