What are you doubts??? Here is Mine

White Fang was born in Brazil, and thus English is probably NOT his first language. Perhaps we can cut him some slack.

I'll give him slack, my Portuguese is non existent so I respect him/her for developing two languages.

Regardless, I think that we all feel promises of donuts were made and delivery of said krullers would most likely ease all hard feelings.
OP, so are you an EMT-B or are you a student?
Although I now make it a policy to not reply to stupid threads by noobies or those with little clue as to the real world of Emergency Services (that God for the Ignore List, which so many of you now part of), I just HAD to ask this question here: Anyone want to join me in tackling this one:

Oh, and in keeping with the second comming of the Dirrectionless Thread... My internet was down for over 36 hours... BUT I AM BACK!!! Did ya miss me?​
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How did you survive 36 hours without the interwebs!?

Hot Wings and Wine Coolers... The only things that can take away the pain of being EMTLIFEless. ^_^ Seriously, went through a 6 pound bag of Hit Wings in the last 36 hours... Yum... and better than a Donut...
apple fritter
Hot Wings and Wine Coolers... The only things that can take away the pain of being EMTLIFEless. ^_^ Seriously, went through a 6 pound bag of Hit Wings in the last 36 hours... Yum... and better than a Donut...

So, are hit wings armed with machine guns or what?
i just watched this movie called "Goodbye Lenin"...its completely in German....good movie, wish i was there when the wall fell.....and its a great movie if anyones interested......by the way not get off subject....i like boston cream...mmmmmmmmhmmmm "doughts"
I loathe all you doughnut eaters for all your doughnut eating. I desperately long for the chocolate krispy kreme.
chocolate donuts make me sick. i like the plain glazed ones.

I try and try with the plain glazed. But they can not replace my love. So I suffer and stare at my chocolate longingly.. and curse the miserable wretch that is regular glazed. (they make me sick to my stomach too :lol: the irony. )
He's CLEARLY asking for our "doubts".

I doubt we'll ever get off the topic of donuts. :P
He's CLEARLY asking for our "doubts".

I doubt we'll ever get off the topic of donuts. :P

when he asked for doughts, i thought he must of meant thoughts, of not donuts. not really sure where he got doubts from.

but yeah we now seem to have a 100% donut(less?) thread
valid question

Is it spelled DOnut or DOUGHnut? I'm gonna look it up...
valid answer

OK, according to Webster's, it's DOUGHnut. I learned something today!