Former medic seven years 911 service in houston
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Just a couple of photos of the crew of West University Place Fire Department Medic 1 doing what they do assisted by some of West University Place Fire Departments FF's. Please excuse the poor quality of the photos as I had to snap them with my cell. For some real photos of Medic 1 follow this link to their web page This is one of the flashiest rigs in Houston and has all the bells and whistles. It's the kind of truck most of us only dream about getting to play on. Don't get the idea these guys are all flash though. When I was going through my basic training one of the girls in class had an asthma attack and this is the unit that handled the call. Competent, courteous, professional and polished to within an inch of their lives. A big EMTLIFE thank you to the crew of West University Place Fire Department Medic 1 for doing your job and doing it well. On my next day off I'll try and swing by their station and update this with some better photos.
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