Washington state and NREMT


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I'm a 'National Registry' EMT, looking to get work in WA, I know it's got no or little sway in this state. I did here that WA is switching to NR at some point (begrudgingly admitted by the dept. of health EMS guy (forgot his name)).

Just wondering the truth of this, and if there is an ETA. I need to start on the 72 hrs of CE's for NR soonish.

I'm a 'National Registry' EMT, looking to get work in WA, I know it's got no or little sway in this state. I did here that WA is switching to NR at some point (begrudgingly admitted by the dept. of health EMS guy (forgot his name)).

Just wondering the truth of this, and if there is an ETA. I need to start on the 72 hrs of CE's for NR soonish.


Might want to look at that CEU requirement again. The most CEU's required is for the NREMT basic level and that is only 48 hours.

R/r 911
24 hr "refresher" + 48 hrs ceu
To get reciprocity from WA, you need to show your valid NR cert and take the state written test. You will also need to get the WSSO's signed off by somebody in the agency you're affiliated with.

You can PM me for further details on my experience doing what you did.
I did all that jazz, I'm just waiting to get 'affiliated' with a company. When I talked with Blake Marcus Harrison (they guy at DOH) he mumbled under his breath something about washington switching to recognize national registry... he was unclear and not too enthused by that- I was just wondering if any current EMS folk know more info. I'm thinking about keeping NR and doing CEU for both NR and WA requirements just because I don't know where I'll end up long term, I don't want to retake classes and tests, and having current NR is a bit of a foot in the door.

If that clears anything up
Considering the NR requires 72 hours every two years, and WA requires 36 hours of OTEP every 3 years I would recommend that you keep your NR like I did. If you ever move again, your NR will do more for you than your WA cert.

I've heard rumblings about WA switching to NR, but I don't think it's really going to happen with their most recent push on computer based CE's and the NR's restrictions on that.
OK. I found the answer buried in the DOH website, apparently they are going to make it so you need to take the NR test and pass to get WA license, then you can just let it laps and keep the WA cert...which seems a bit silly to me.

I didn't realize WA was a 3 years, that helps spread out the ceu.