Wanted: fanny pack, man purse whatever!


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need a fanny pack type thing to carry my extra stuff in. pedi wheel, face mask, extra gloves, glasses als flip book etc. Ill prob look online as well just seeing what other ppl use on duty. Thanks! Cheers?
I just got one of those small cross-shoulder backpack deals. Triangular shape, usually see bike messengers carrying one in addition to their document-style messenger bag.

Kind of like this one:


Keeps all my stuff (which isn't very much) but doesn't advertise to everyone that I'm medically trained. That way, when I'm working a convention as security as I sometimes do, I can have the bag set aside in the corner in case something drastic happens (we had an epileptic go off her meds once and seize while going down an esculator), but I'm not standing there with a big emblem and a jump bag like I waiting for something to happen.
Just a word of warning, be prepared to be made fun of for it. We had a guy at our service who carried arounda fanny pack of crap, he will forever be known as "Fanny Pack" I've even forgotten his real name.
I use the Hawke EMS packs that you can buy at Life-Assist... No, I'm not the guy... he's in the Fresno-Clovis area... The Life Assist storefront is in Rancho Cordova, off of Sunrise. Most of the time, I used the EMS-2 model. I have also used the OTS-XL pack. It's big, but it can hold enough stuff to be used as a small BLS bag, with BLS airway stuff, all the stuff you mentioned, and a couple IV start kits. However, I usually used the smaller pack. My OTS-XL bag is still pretty well stocked as a BLS kit. It has become one of my car kits...

From Amerisport, the Rufi packs are also pretty useful, but they can also be a bit bulky. I've never seen one in service on an ambulance. They're designed for a different field, with different needs, but those do have their uses.
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Second that about Life Assist but go minimal.

I like Life Assist, but IF you have more than you can fit into a little waistbelt, waist purse, whatever you call it, then I'd go with a camera case. How about a vest?
Here's the LIFEASSIST Hawke line:


I have had three good waistbelt deals and two bad ones. The bad ones were little cheap ones with no dividers and narrow belts. The best ones were compartmented with stashes for cell phone (short LED flashlight), another like-sized one (gloves), and two larger compartments for stuff like pens, flip pad, ammonia inhalants, spare O2 washer, spare eartips for steth, whistle, spare batts for flashlight, etc., and money. (I wear scrubs so pocket security sucks). I carry keys on a carabiner and Nextel on a skeleton holster. Whole deal fits under my shirttails. One was used for $2 at Ecomart on Fruitridge (sound familiar Akula?), one was a $10 Radioshack belt designed for carrying handhelds radios (out of production) and another was $14 from TOTES at their store for travel (also out of production).

If you load up a big fanny pack with stuff you will need suspenders. Then you might just buy ALICE gear, MOLLE, or whatever, and get called "SWAT boy" or somesuch.
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Actually, I haven't been to Ecomart on Fruitridge... but since you've mentioned it, I might just have to check that place out!
thanks for the info. Ive been avoiding going into life assist cause im prob going to drop some $$$. but takes money to make money.
knew a police officer who carried his gun in a fanny pack. everything that belonged on his duty belt went in the fanny pack
knew a police officer who carried his gun in a fanny pack. everything that belonged on his duty belt went in the fanny pack
The last time I checked, Hawke makes those types of packs too... he actually also makes a whole lot of other kinds of bags and packs. He even makes organizers for nurses...

Here's his website... http://www.hawkepaks.com/

I've met him once or twice (literally) and it seems that his shop is still in the same place in Clovis.
Moto, just saw your location.

You could try Butler's Uniform east of downtown if they are still in business. Used to be cop heaven.
You could try Butler's Uniform east of downtown if they are still in business. Used to be cop heaven.
Butler's no longer exists there. About 3-4 years ago, there was a fire in a shoe-shop that was upstairs, and the smoke damage was too much for Butler's to stay in business at that location. Butler's was actually a pretty good shop for stuff... though it was HEAVILY a cop shop. Sacramento Uniforms (IIRC) over in the Arden area has taken over a lot of the business, from what I can tell.
A druggie from out of town tried to stick up Butler's once..

Oh, wait, that goes into the "HUMOR" section!B)