Wanna Be



Forum Probie
I'm glad you weren't grossed out by the GI bleed! Haha that's cool you're pursuing your EMT certification. I got mine last January at 19 years old.. Joined a department as a volunteer and absolutely love it. I'm going through the advanced EMT course now. Maybe you could pursue that after you finish?

Anyways best of luck to you, and welcome to EMS!

Usually if you can deal with the ride along you are good to go. Good luck!:)

Thanks guys, and yeah I won't pretend the smell wasnt gross but it didn't get me sick and when someone called 911 to get your help in getting them to the hospital it quickly becomes incidental. I didn't really do much except carry things and hand the EMT and Paramedic stuff but it was great to see that they got this guy to the best place he could be. BP drop even with fluids from the house to the hospital so I don't know what happened to him ultimately but they most likely played a role in at least prolonging his life. That's huge, the smell just helped them diagnose.


Community Leader
Did my ride-along last night. Got dispatched 4 times. I can't give specifics but I know what GI bleeding smells like. 3 TX 1 refusal. One was probably incarcerits... prisoner with chest pain. I learned some jargon too. I am definitely going to take EMT-B at least. Just need the time and the money...
GI Bleeds can have a very distinctive odor to them. Once you know that odor, you can often diagnose it from the doorway. Liver failure can also have a fairly distinctive odor as well. You just learned something very valuable as you go forth in medicine: use all your senses when assessing patients. Even your nose knows...