Volunteer during disasters

In a disaster situation, the government does not look kindly on freelancing. Any major operation requires coordination of resources to get the mission accomplished. A major disaster area is most likely, going to be secured and they aren't going to allow just anyone in. I applaud your desire to help, but I agree that the only way you're likely to see any action is through a designated agency.
Our thought is to be there following behind storm chasers so we would be the first responders. That's when people would need us most. We kind of want to be independent of any organizations. We are working on getting funding from FEMA however. We just want to hear from anyone who might know how things work during disaster situations as far as your ability to practice within your scope.

This right here is a NIMS/ICS disaster. Work with responding agencies under the established incident management plan and protocol for your location, or else you are just more potential casualties, not helping at all.
Does anyone know anything about volunteering out of the state you are licensed in during a natural disaster? What rules apply and what scope can you practice under? Who oversees your practice? Funding for supplies?

My wife is a Doc and her and I want to creat our own mobile ER to respond to natural disasters. Does anyone have any experience with responding or volunteering?

Why would you put your head into the bear trap like that? Your wife the "Doc" ("me and her"?) ought to know better. Find your local DMAT or similar organization and get with them. Your spirit is fine, but the concept is so riddled with potential danger to you and any potential patients that you need to re-cast your paradigm.
I volunteer with Health Services for the Red Cross :) and DAT when there isn't a disaster. :) I love it
Please do not freelance. Freelancers become victims at worst and a nuisance at best. Of you want to be a part of the solution join a DMAT or similar task force. Not to mention freelancing is illegal because that is practicing medicine without a license. You need to be under a medical director to practice.
I am on AMR's FEMA Disaster Response Team; just for background.

Either road you go down, or before whatever team you join you should first get over to the FEMA website and complete all the self study courses for ICS.
Any team you join that is related to disaster response is going to have those as a pre-req. I believe the current standard is ICS 100, 200, 700, and 800. Intro to Hazmat won't hurt either.
Please do not freelance. Freelancers become victims at worst and a nuisance at best. Of you want to be a part of the solution join a DMAT or similar task force. Not to mention freelancing is illegal because that is practicing medicine without a license. You need to be under a medical director to practice.
I am on AMR's FEMA Disaster Response Team; just for background.

Either road you go down, or before whatever team you join you should first get over to the FEMA website and complete all the self study courses for ICS.
Any team you join that is related to disaster response is going to have those as a pre-req. I believe the current standard is ICS 100, 200, 700, and 800. Intro to Hazmat won't hurt either.

I'm curious did you get deployed with the Isaac deployment from your operation?

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No sir
No sir

Just wondering lol. Me and my supervisor were the only two to deploy from NM operations so we got attached to your boys and girls and the river medical bunch

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Just wondering lol. Me and my supervisor were the only two to deploy from NM operations so we got attached to your boys and girls and the river medical bunch

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Should have gone on Sandy deployment :P
Should have gone on Sandy deployment :P

If I hadn't been in class I would have lol. They wouldn't let me deploy in the second wave for some reason. But at least the New Hampshire deployment this year was fun

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If I hadn't been in class I would have lol. They wouldn't let me deploy in the second wave for some reason. But at least the New Hampshire deployment this year was fun

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I won't be able to put my name back on the team until 2015.
There should be some deployments this season.
Really? Why is that?

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If its gonna happen, it might as well be on our watch.

Exactly. I'm just hoping they let me deploy since I just took a promotion to associate supervisor.

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No boss men allowed

While I agree freelancing can cause difficulties, if something goes down and I am there, I'm still going to render aid that is appropriate to my level of training. Once appropriate manpower is on scene, the operations officer can decide if he/she wants to still utilize me.