Viscous lidocaine intranasally for epistaxis


Forum Deputy Chief
Contrary to popular belief, street cocaine is impure or contaminated with other substances and varies in strength. Even in small quantities it is an irritant and may cause a serious nose bleed.

George Jung may disagree with you! He imported some pretty decent stuff back in the 70's and 80's. You remember those days, right??????????????


Forum Lieutenant
Did I miss something? Xylocaine is a trade name of Lidocaine.

I too would like to know why it was used for epistaxis, and what made it 'work'.

Yeah I know they are the same, but they keep them both. I dunno! :p


Forum Crew Member
How would lidocaine have any effect on controlling a nosebleed? To my knowledge lidocaine does not have any vasoconstrictive ability and is only used in nasal procedures for its analgesic/numbing effect..... which is why lidocaine is often mixed with a alpha-1 med like epinephrine or phenylephrine to vasoconstrict and control local bleeding.

Is this not correct?

Completely correct. Use Neo. Works great: (for nosebleeds only; it 'blows' as a pressor). Lido doesn't stop nosebleeds. Except for analgesia, lidocaine really doesn't do anything. Ever. As a rule. It doesn't terminate pVT/VF (except for a really, really, specific case) and doesn't blunt the anoxic effects of intubation on the brain for a pt c inc. ICP. *steps off of lidocaine soap box.* It makes nosebleeds a little bit more gooey, though, yum. Or cocaine. I can neither confirm nor deny using cocaine (or to make it all proper sounding "cocaine bisulfate") to stop a nosebleed before because of its immense vasoconstrictive effects :ph34r:. The aforementioned impurities can be dangerous, (well yah duh, it's what makes crack different from's rat poison....bonus points for folks who know the generic drug name for the impurity...that makes you bleed's been said...crack is whack...crack is cheap!).

Oh, and never had much success with cold packs. As long as the blood is 'round 98F, it clots just fine.
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Forum Chief
Or cocaine. I can neither confirm nor deny using cocaine (or to make it all proper sounding "cocaine bisulfate") to stop a nosebleed before because of its immense vasoconstrictive effects :ph34r:.

Don't you document it or your pharmacy require you to sign for it? It is not that big of a deal since it is used in many ENT or Pulmonary procedures involving the upper airway.