Vaccinations for clinicals


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I am having trouble coming up with mine due to the fact that the medical place got rid of records after 10 years.

I wonder if there is any danger in getting these vaccines again. If my immune system already has antibodies it will just fight it, if not then it will just make them.

I have tried calling my elementary school, my parents etc. Anyone got any ideas besides getting them done again.
I am having trouble coming up with mine due to the fact that the medical place got rid of records after 10 years.

I wonder if there is any danger in getting these vaccines again. If my immune system already has antibodies it will just fight it, if not then it will just make them.

I have tried calling my elementary school, my parents etc. Anyone got any ideas besides getting them done again.

Get a titer.
I wonder if there is any danger in getting these vaccines again.
I've never heard of any issues arising from booster shots (repeat vaccinations) in otherwise normal individuals. It is actually fairly common and in many cases, required.

If my immune system already has antibodies it will just fight it, if not then it will just make them.

Actually if your body has the antibodies already, it won't "fight" the vaccination in the sense of making you sick, but you will just see the antibody titers spike. Most of the time this won't even produce symptoms.

Get a titer.

What he said. That is what I have had to do in the past.
I don't think you'll have a problem, in the Army if you didn't have your vaccination records with you, you had to get all of them again. They didn't tell us when we were going to get them so nobody had their records with them so everyone got all vaccinations again. I find it hard to believe that there is no record anywhere of the vaccinations that you received. Check the school district you attended or see if your parents still have records from when you were a child.
This. Get a titer for Varciella too if you've had chicken poxs.
....or just have your current doc right you a letter stating you've had chicken pox by history. That is usually fairly easy to convince them to do and will suffice for most purposes.
....or just have your current doc right you a letter stating you've had chicken pox by history. That is usually fairly easy to convince them o do and will suffice for most purposes.

Depends. Both my current school (PDF file) requires a titer and my undergrad required a titer if you were involved with human subject research.
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yeah same in the navy and marine corps... back when we didnt have the records in the computer... if you were stupid enough to loose your medical record we give you all the imms and vaccs again!!! not in one day though!! hah

i have probably had 3 or 4 more anthrax shots than i am supposed to because someone forgot to input it in the computer...
I will check with my high school tomorrow, they keep good records. They still had my ACT scores and transcripts from 1996.