US Paramedic to United Kingdom

Well, I followed the link listed on the site above, went over the standards in proficiency and contacted the college of paramedics that NHS referred to for further questioning. I have a BS in Biology, 8 years experience, and plenty of alphabet soup stuff. Although, they may simply not understanding of what that all means. I'll keep the thread updated... if I hear something.
The one I had applied to was specifically for Americans...
So you are saying you had an application for LAS specifically for people from the US?

No offense, but I think someone was pulling your leg. LAS has made it perfectly clear they are "particularly interested to hear from candidates who trained in Australia or New Zealand".

The simple fact is that the NHS have no idea what they would be getting with a US applicant. There is such a variation in US training and education that it would generally be too much effort for them to find equivalent credentials, and a lot will be lost in translation. If a US paramedic were to obtain his/ her HCPC registration and C1 prior to an application, that would be a different matter and could probably open some doors. Unlike the LAS's foreign recruitment campaign, an international application for HCPC registration doesn't discriminate against home Country.
Well, I followed the link listed on the site above, went over the standards in proficiency and contacted the college of paramedics that NHS referred to for further questioning. I have a BS in Biology, 8 years experience, and plenty of alphabet soup stuff. Although, they may simply not understanding of what that all means. I'll keep the thread updated... if I hear something.

As @Scott33 said you might want to look into applying for your HCPC reciprocity first then try applying, I think that is the biggest administrative hurdle for getting a LAS job other than sorting out visas.
Received an update.

A. End of April they will hold a 3 day practical/interview session in Pittsburg. With that there will be a 2 day informational class preceding that for a total 5 day stent.

B. Wage will be BASE $45k annual that is tax free for a 37.5 hour work week IF YOU work in the intercity area; some areas pay less. Overtime paid at double or triple time. (Unknown how much OT you could work, but I THINK you could reach 60k fairly easily.)

C. Relocation expense of $12k
And HCPC application fee will be paid.

D. You will work independently or as a member of the emergency ambulance crew with a registered HCPC Paramedic or EMT.

E. Transition course will run 6 weeks (37.5 hrs long weeks) and will include driving training and C1 training to prepare you for the written and practical C1 driving exam.

F. Currently, you must pay for your own room & board, food, transportation in London.

E. You must pass an extensive background check (I.e those posts about can I be and EMT if I stole a waffle iron & can I be an EMT if have a DUI that was reduced to just being an idiot.) NO CONVITCIONS OF ANY SORT will be allowed. If you have been fired from any public service or ambulance company you will not be hired either.

F. They are looking to fill 30 positions. Currently there are 16 left.
As far as I know, only folks who already applied through ESTI are being considered.

I think I will be withdrawing. That isn't enough money for me to jump through so many hoops and uproot my life.
That too. Just the fact that it isn't enough is making me turn them down.

They're looking for established and experienced providers with great references.
They aren't looking for new grads or young bucks looking to drop every everything and jump ship to a far away land.

But experienced, older, established persons mostly have responsibilities and families or circumstances that preclude dropping everything on the dime and taking off. Mostly. Usually.
And that amount of cash... No thanks.

But someone will take the job, just like they take the $12/hr job here.
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That too. Just the fact that it isn't enough is making me turn them down.

They're looking for established and experienced providers with great references.
They aren't looking for new grads or young bucks looking to drop every everything and jump ship to a far away land.

But experienced, older, established persons mostly have responsibilities and families or circumstances that preclude dropping everything on the dime and taking off. Mostly. Usually.
And that amount of cash... No thanks.

But someone will take the job, just like they take the $12/hr job here.

agree here, if you were >30 and single and didn't own your own home, then this would be a good experience purely for experience sake. Cost of London is expensive, but that shouldn't scare anyone off unless you're in debt...I have plenty of friends living in London and they love it...personally I think it's a dump. Oh the other thing- you obv wont be paying for your own healthcare in the UK so you don't have that cost to worry about.
Got this randomly today, think its a mistake:
Dear Candidate,

Further to your application for Bank Paramedic, I am pleased to inform you we will be holding an assessment day.

The first available assessment will be held in Croydon on Thursday the 14th of May 2015. The second will be in Fulham on the 16th of May 2015. They will both start at 8:15am and will go on throughout the day.

Please be aware this is a first come first serve basis and we only have 8 available slots for the 14th and 40 spaces for the 16th.

Please also let me know as soon as possible if you would be available to attend and which day out the two, and I will book you in accordingly.

Once confirmed I can send you all the relevant information regarding the assessment and interview.

I look forward to your swift response.