May 15, 2013 #1 teedubbyaw Forum Deputy Chief Messages 1,036 Reaction score 461 Points 83 Any brand recommendation? Needs to be white.
May 15, 2013 #2 HotelCo Forum Deputy Chief Messages 2,198 Reaction score 4 Points 38 teedubbyaw said: Any brand recommendation? Needs to be white. Click to expand... HoraceSmall/TheForce Stays white, and is light and breathable. It's the only brand I'll get. Last edited by a moderator: May 15, 2013
teedubbyaw said: Any brand recommendation? Needs to be white. Click to expand... HoraceSmall/TheForce Stays white, and is light and breathable. It's the only brand I'll get.
May 15, 2013 #3 T Trashtruck Forum Captain Messages 272 Reaction score 1 Points 0 Epidermis. Albino collection.
May 15, 2013 #4 NomadicMedic I know a guy who knows a guy. Messages 12,205 Reaction score 6,967 Points 113 I used to wear "The Aviator". The company specified these white shirts along with your choice of black pants. These were cheap, always looked good, stayed white. You can find them for less than 20 bucks. (This link has them for $16)
I used to wear "The Aviator". The company specified these white shirts along with your choice of black pants. These were cheap, always looked good, stayed white. You can find them for less than 20 bucks. (This link has them for $16)