Uniform brand preferences

I just like BDU pants to put my wallet in so I'm not sitting on it all the time.

I solved this one with two wallets. One has my certs, DL, company ID(for narc replacement), debit card and a credit card I know has room on it. This is carried in a maxpediton bravo, so thin you'll never know it's there, carried in the normal fashion.

In my second wallet is everything else, carried elsewhere.

No need for cargo pockets, no hip/back problems from the costanza special. Maybe not for everybody, but it works for me.
Yes. The EMS onsie was the shiznit. I would love that here. Instead we wear the entire 5.11 catalog. Even our tshirts are 5.11.
Hey I loved mine too lol. Except nomex in the South Texas heat does suck lol

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Hey I loved mine too lol. Except nomex in the South Texas heat does suck lol

Sent from my SM-N920P using Tapatalk

We had some super lightweight ones that rocked, although the short sleeves kind of negated any benefit that nonex had.