I had no idea people could carry guns these days...( that was sarcasm for the humor impaired).
I'm well aware that there are ways for people to carry guns, I'd guess that some EMT's even carry guns, what I don't believe and unless someone can provide some actual verifiable sources is that any EMT or Paramedic is allowed to not only legally carry a gun but legally use a gun while working with law enforcement without being a sworn police officer or sheriff's deputy or some other LEO.
It's the use of words like "supposedly" and "usually" and "Other places may do that" and " there are places that you do not need to be a sworn LEO to carry a weapon..." without a single verifiable source that make me wonder if you guys have a clue.
An EMT that's been "deputized" is considered a law enforcement official, that's sort of the whole point of being deputized.
The key word there is "deputized".
The topic at hand has NOTHING to do with anyone's right to bear arms. We're talking about people using a weapon while engaged in law enforcement procedures.
If anyone can provide a single actual reference to any police dept. that's using Tactical Medics or any other sort of Medic, arming them, and letting them respond to police calls while armed and then letting them use their weapons while on that call without requiring them to be sworn/deputized police officers, please provide a source.
I couldn't help but notice that the poster who was bragging about how well his "tac team" can shoot hasn't responded.
Look, if I'm wrong I'll be the first to admit it but I simply don't believe in this day and age that any police department would take on the liability of allowing a non-sworn person to carry and use a weapon.
John E
I had no idea people could carry guns these days...( that was sarcasm for the humor impaired).
I'm well aware that there are ways for people to carry guns, I'd guess that some EMT's even carry guns, what I don't believe and unless someone can provide some actual verifiable sources is that any EMT or Paramedic is allowed to not only legally carry a gun but legally use a gun while working with law enforcement without being a sworn police officer or sheriff's deputy or some other LEO.
It's the use of words like "supposedly" and "usually" and "Other places may do that" and " there are places that you do not need to be a sworn LEO to carry a weapon..." without a single verifiable source that make me wonder if you guys have a clue.
An EMT that's been "deputized" is considered a law enforcement official, that's sort of the whole point of being deputized.
The key word there is "deputized".
The topic at hand has NOTHING to do with anyone's right to bear arms. We're talking about people using a weapon while engaged in law enforcement procedures.
If anyone can provide a single actual reference to any police dept. that's using Tactical Medics or any other sort of Medic, arming them, and letting them respond to police calls while armed and then letting them use their weapons while on that call without requiring them to be sworn/deputized police officers, please provide a source.
I couldn't help but notice that the poster who was bragging about how well his "tac team" can shoot hasn't responded.
Look, if I'm wrong I'll be the first to admit it but I simply don't believe in this day and age that any police department would take on the liability of allowing a non-sworn person to carry and use a weapon.
John E