Ultimate training


Forum Deputy Chief
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I just got back from a 4 day course at the Dept of Homeland Security, Center for Domestic Prepardness. www.cdp.dhs.gov

This particular course was TERT 'Technical Emergency Response Training'. A basic class in emergency response to a Major (or minor) HAZMAT problem; or a CBRNE (Chemical, Biological, Radiological, Nuclear or Explosive) incident.
You learn how to recognize it; watch for clues if it is a HAZMAT or a terrorist incident; how to do Decon, including suiting up in Level B and C gear, along with SCBA (you don't have to be a firefighter, or HAZMAT; we had FF, PD, EMS, RN's, admin people from hospitals, secretary at FD, and dept of Health water expert.
You actually get to go into a building that has Live Chemical agents, so that you can see how to detect it and how to work in a Hot enviroment.

There are 38 different types of classes. and the are all FREE
If anyone can get to ANY of the classes there, it is well worth the trip. the best thing about the classes, is that it is FREE to both you and your company or department. you may have to take personnal time, or vacation; but your company may pay you to be there.

You apply, get your company to sign off on you going; and the Government pays for the travel to and from; the class, the lodging and the meals.
And the food is wonderful lodging is single rooms, sharing bathrooms with maid service.

check out the website, it is well worth the time
hmmmm. looks like fun actually.
Bad link.... re-post the link..

R/r 911

https://cdp.dhs.gov/ DHS website downloads some software to your computer (at least it did to my laptop); but I have windows XP, on an older computer. It didn't download anything to my desktop when I went into the site the first time.

You can also type in a search for "Center for Domestic Prepardness" and it will bring it up.

classes for fire, hazmat, police, EMS, hospital staff (nursing. doctors; as well as management); there are train the trainer type classes. and some of them they will come to your area and teach if you get between 40-60 people: look at the Non Resident classes for that.
What are the criteria to apply?
You can just enlist in the military and get a version for free....

Thanks for the info!
(I hope the DHS version is better than the crapola versions we had in USAF/Air Nat Guard).

I had a "downer" comment after this but deleted it. Carry on!!
Just got back from this training and it was AWESOME. The facility, the people, the organization, and the training. Everything was fun and informative and I'm definitely itching to go back and learn some more
What are the chances that a canadian could take these courses? I'm interested in taking an incident command course and these look interesting.
gingerbeef, if you're looking for a basic ICS course, the JIBC has some online ones. The basic one is often free. Though these courses seem like way more fun.
Interesting. Ya I signed up for an online ICS course at brandon fire college. I'll look into the JIBC one though. But ya these do seem pretty fun. I live in SK, I wish we got cool courses like this.
You can take a few ICS courses/tests to get some ICS certs online for free with FEMA.

Only takes like 30mins per course and you can print your cert out.