UK unveils "super paramedic"


Forum Deputy Chief
I remember in the chatroom once, Ridryder911 talking to us about something along the same lines (or close to it),
that they were looking at doing in the States.
Guess the Brit's beat you to it.


Been talking about something for years in the US. It'll happen eventually.


Forum Chief
Im sorry, but if you want health insurance, you are not entitled to it just by living here. You must get off your butt, and work hard like everyone else here. If an immigrant can come here with nothing, and work hard for what they have, so can you. If I can work hard for everything I have, so can you.

I'm wondering, does your job offer health care? If not, do you provide your own? Do you have a pre-exsisting condition such as obesity (By BMI standards, which can take a well muscled healthy person and call them obese), diabetes, hypertension, history of stroke, heart attack, HIV/AIDS, an STD? Have you looked at the health insurance premiums for people who do? It's outrageous! With my history, I am paying outrageously high premiums for health insurance. I can pay it, however, working parents in a family of four may not be able to.

When the economy is struggling where people are LUCKY to have a job much less one that provides health insurance, people shouldn't have to choose between paying their rent or paying health insurance.

Is social health care the answer? Probably not, but we are in serious need of health care reform to make health care affordable and attainable to all.

Social security and welfare and free health care is NOT what the founding fathers wanted for this country. It says NO WHERE in the constitution that it is the government's job to give you money when you have none. It IS the governments job to protect our nation from all enemies, foreign and domestic, not to play Robin Hood.

I'm sure when you are old and find out that your retirement fund is simply not enough, you will be thankful for medicare and social security so you don't have to work as a bagger at Albertson's well into your 90s to make ends meet. What do you propose we do about all the seniors on social security? Cut them off and throw them into the street where they will languish and die? As a health care provider, I would hope you have more compassion for people than that.

I consider illness and poverty domestic enemies.
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Forum Captain
I'm wondering, does your job offer health care? If not, do you provide your own? Do you have a pre-exsisting condition such as obesity (By BMI standards, which can take a well muscled healthy person and call them obese), diabetes, hypertension, history of stroke, heart attack, HIV/AIDS, an STD? Have you looked at the health insurance premiums for people who do? It's outrageous! With my history, I am paying outrageously high premiums for health insurance. I can pay it, however, working parents in a family of four may not be able to.

Yes, I have health insurance through my job. And im sorry, but the way this health care plan is being set up, i'll be forced to pay for those people's premiums.. thats like asking someone who drives a focus to pay the insurance rates of a BMW owner! I am young and healthy, my rate should reflect that!

I'm sure when you are old and find out that your retirement fund is simply not enough, you will be thankful for medicare and social security so you don't have to work as a bagger at Albertson's well into your 90s to make ends meet. What do you propose we do about all the seniors on social security? Cut them off and throw them into the street where they will languish and die? As a health care provider, I would hope you have more compassion for people than that.

I consider illness and poverty domestic enemies.

Medicare and social security will not be around by the time I retire, and as such, I planning my retirement now, to include my own investments and such so I dont have to worry about income. I am getting a pension, but im not counting on that, and im planning as if I am not getting one... this includes saving enough money to cover both my cost of living AND my health insurance premiums!


Legal Beagle
Been talking about something for years in the US. It'll happen eventually.

It would be the sort of thing that might help our overburdened emergency rooms, especially if people continue to refuse to see, or be unable to afford, a GP/PCP and regular visits.

The problem also is that only persons holding a medical license are supposed to "diagnose" (we won't start this argument again about what it is that we do before we do what we do. ;)) Sure, you, me, and everyone in the room may know that in all likelihood, the patient has a standard URI. We may know that the conservative treatment for that is a Z-Pack. But we can't practice medicine to put two and two together.

I agree that eventually, circumstances will push us in the direction of more allied health providers handling urgent care needs, especially as the number of physicians in family practice continue to dwindle in favor of higher-paid and more prestigious specialties. But that might take a while.


Community Leader Emeritus
SuperParamedics and the Big Picture

Throughout these posts medics ask, "Why aren't we respected by other agencies, our companies, services or, even, sometimes, ourselves?" It has been a theme I've been looking at for years. Here, somebody's broadening the view. It prompted me to go back to a few threads here I was involved in one way or another and come up with a position; A New Paradigm for EMS



Forum Crew Member
Throughout these posts medics ask, "Why aren't we respected by other agencies, our companies, services or, even, sometimes, ourselves?" It has been a theme I've been looking at for years. Here, somebody's broadening the view. It prompted me to go back to a few threads here I was involved in one way or another and come up with a position; A New Paradigm for EMS

Very Nice Post Firetender! Wisdom packed and right on the mark. I agree our salvation (EMS as a profession), needs to come from within. Within ourselves and within our own professional discipline.

Folks, you all need to check out the new thread by Firetender.