Typical selection process for a paramedic program


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Any knowledge before i apply?
Pulse, EMT cert, check cleared? The first two are optional.
Program I instruct for you take the HOBET exam then essentially a difficult EMT level exam to check knowledge base, pass that and you move on the skills exam, make it passed that and you interview. 30 seats and more the 30 applicants means some will be going elsewhere or reapplying.
Here's the general format for my area:

Application, general knowledge test, EMT test, interview, acceptance
I'm talking about how the process works of the interview(what questions they ask) and generally how they select applicants over others ased on experience? qualifications? i wanted to get in to the program right away but im not so certain they will look at a fresh EMT-B out of school with no experience getting in right away.
It depends what region of the country you live in. Cali... No chance. Everywhere else: Check Clears you're good to go.
I know when I was at Odessa College (for two weeks before I had to move hoem due to family emergencies), the entrance was a written test, interview w/ the director, and a point system for experience, classes, grades, and service affilitation and license level
NREMT-P doesn't exist anymore... it's NR-P.
Remember to look sharp too, can't tell you how many people show up for an interview in jeans and a t-shirt. They are looking at your affect in all parts of the process including the written and practical tests, and they are more likely to want someone in their program who looks and acts the part even if they don't necessarily score the highest.