transport service; psych transports

it doesnt happen often, but ive done it. if i see you as a danger to yourself or anybody else, you get tied down. i dont restrain unnecessarily, but i dont hesitate to do it if necessary.
I did a lot of hospital to hospital psych transports and a few scene -> hospital transports. I can count on 1 hand the number of patient's that I've restrained. Sorry, but the 17 y/o goth chick with suicidial ideations doesn't need the leather bracelets.
why do you think she was depressed to begin with? Mom wouldn't get her the leather braclets.
I believe in my state, the care is similar. Once a pt is accepted by a psychiatric unit, they are accepted and cannot refuse them. If they are sedated upon arrival, then they wait until the effects ware off for them to assess them... while the pt is in a room on their campus.

The only difference here is when the pt is a minor. They can only admit the pt with a legal guardian present. They will still accept the pt, but they cannot touch them yet until the legal guardian signs permission.

I've had to wait an hour and a half with a psych minor in the lobby of the psych hospital until the pt's mother showed up. Shoulda made her ride with. Won't make that mistake again.

Ok, but what if the accepting facility is hours away and now that parent is without a ride home? Are you going to tie up a rig for several hours while they do the paperwork and eval so you can transport parent home?
I work in an area that doesn't have ped psych facilities near by. The closest one is about an hour away in good weather. I couldn't leave a parent stranded hours away from home. It is already such a stressful time why add to their stress?
good point, Medic9... I'd think it all depends on the situation... but as long as the parent has a way to get home (family/friends around) taking the parent WITH you might be in everyone's best interest. It also means there is a witness in the rig with you... never a bad thing when you are transporting juveniles... especially of the opposite sex.
ped psychs

It has been my experience that the parent(s) of ped psychs are rarely helpful to have along. Relationships between ped psychs and their parents are often strained and high drama, with a lot of issues to work out....but not in my rig. I just want to provide a smooth, restful, eventless transport.

It has been my experience that the parent(s) of ped psychs are rarely helpful to have along. Relationships between ped psychs and their parents are often strained and high drama, with a lot of issues to work out....but not in my rig. I just want to provide a smooth, restful, eventless transport.


It really depends though (and yes, I have an anecdotal story). I once transported a schizoaffective teen (personally, SAD is my least favorite psych disorder to transport) with his mother in back. About half way through the transport, the patient started to have a rather large and negative mood swing. Well, the mother told the patient to, in not in so many words, shut up and calm down. The patient reluctantly complied and we had a nice, safe, quiet trip to the hospital.
ped psychs and parents

yes, it really does depend. I do my best to read the situation before making any arrangements about who rides with us.
