Trainer whacker?


Still crazy but elsewhere
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Don't neglect the posts before this one, but....
In preparation to teaching CPR in various and unanticipateable venues I have acquired the following:
1. 30 watt dual channel PA system
2. Overhead projector with built-in second lightbulb
3. Old use laptop to show Powerpoints.
4. Small DVD player with remote.
5. White board and markers. No eraser yet.
6. Dedicated shoulder bag with room for lunch, my OTC's, pens/markers, and trainer manuals.
7. A thumb drive for each company or agency I teach for.

Does this make me a "trainer whacker", or not?
I think it just makes you a prepared instructor :ph34r:
I'm going to go with total whacker....

I kid I kid. I Agree with Fast.
How about prepared professional trainer whacker? This level of preparedness is appreciated from a student who has had many instructors/professors that fall all over the spectrum.
I can't fit a large screen LED monitor into my Accord...

I went to my first private gig having found out they had no idea what I required. My car was loaded, I found they had a TV and DVD for me...but I tried them and they had no power.
I don't want to be reduced to making hand shadows.:huh:

Oh, and I carry a selection of patch cables and a nice big extension cord.
How about prepared professional trainer whacker? This level of preparedness is appreciated from a student who has had many instructors/professors that fall all over the spectrum.

I vehemently agree. A prepared instructor shows that not only does he know what he is talking about but he also cares that you learn it. He is there to make sure you learn not to waste your time.

Also who doesn't like to be a whacker at times? You know its fun getting all that shiny new stuff:P
While I think it's simply being prepared, to be crude...

...does anyone else think "trainer wacker" sounds like a fringe benefit I need to request for my next class? :ph34r

trainer whacker???

I have encountered one of these before.

Some observations of what one looks like.

Hands out business cards instead of just introducing himself with a handshake.

The card has more letters after the name than the name itself. Those letters are also absolutely pointless, but here is what I observed.

EMT-P, NREMT-P, BLS-I, ACLS-I, PALS-I, ITLS-I FF1, hazmat tech, FSI.

He then critisized my "unprofessional uniform." (As I don't wear a uniform, I thought it was a rather interesting comment) But I guess my gig line on my polo shirt and belt didn't exactly match up and I wasn't wearing my "faculty" nametag.
(when I stand in front of the class and start speaking, there is little doubt about my role, I don't need a name tag with a title)

In terms of style most of the presentations start with the phrase: "So there I was..." and "Unless I think you are fit to work on my family..."

I don't think you will ever fit into that category mycrofft. Sorry.
"Gig line on the polo shirt". Priceless.
I knew a guy, he was a thirteen-year employee of this BLS ambulance co., a smart guy but can't quite get it together to make something else out of himself. Briefcase full of plans and deals and cards. Divorced, working with a bunch of kids half his age, and me, and a former Ranger. He was qualified to teach everything but deep water welding, but he wasn't a wacker, he was just stuck.
You, mycrofft, ARE NOT a Whacker...

I have encountered one of these before.

Some observations of what one looks like.

Hands out business cards instead of just introducing himself with a handshake.

The card has more letters after the name than the name itself. Those letters are also absolutely pointless, but here is what I observed.

EMT-P, NREMT-P, BLS-I, ACLS-I, PALS-I, ITLS-I FF1, hazmat tech, FSI.

He then critisized my "unprofessional uniform." (As I don't wear a uniform, I thought it was a rather interesting comment) But I guess my gig line on my polo shirt and belt didn't exactly match up and I wasn't wearing my "faculty" nametag.
(when I stand in front of the class and start speaking, there is little doubt about my role, I don't need a name tag with a title)

In terms of style most of the presentations start with the phrase: "So there I was..." and "Unless I think you are fit to work on my family..."

I don't think you will ever fit into that category mycrofft. Sorry.

Had one of those recently. Mycrofft, I think you know her; see if you can identify her...

About a year ago we were in the process of creating a Teen CERT Program under the sponsorship of the Sheriff's Office as an "auxiliary" / "keep these kids productive" support unit for the SO, SAR, Fire, and Red Cross.

With the grant money in place, several of us signed up to become CERT Instructors. A "Train-the-Trainer Trainer" from Sacramento CERT came up for 5 "wonderful" days of CERT Training and Instructor Training. She was use to training High School Teachers and people with the background, not Paramedics, EMTs, Firefighters, Fire Chiefs, and other Rescue Professionals who all had the same thought when she walked through the door: ":blink: <cough> WHACKER <cough> :blink:".

Although never having worked a day in her life in Emergency Services (except as a member of CERT and the ARC), she was decked out in the latest 5.11 EMT Pants (shears and other gear in holstered), button-down uniform shirts with bright patches, and (my favorite) a shiny $14.95 generic Galls EMT badge on her emergency rappel belt. :rolleyes:

She spent the entire time trying to impress us and all she ended up doing was proving how little she knew. But we had to bear through it as she explained Fire Prevention to firefighters and chiefs, ICS to ICS Instructors, USAR to RS2 and Underground Rescuers, and Triage to EMTs and Paramedics with Ambulance and Fire experience. AND SHE ARGUED WITH US!!! :rofl:

Mycrofft... that is not you... you are trying to be a prepared instructor... but I think you know whom I refer to... :glare:


The field sign of a trainer whacker is also how much stuff you pull out of your satchel, not what-all is in it.

MtRes, I don't know individuals in Sac's CERT program very well, but I now the type well. The trick is to make sure your audience is more ignorant than you are. If I was going to teach people with their own culture and expertise, I might at least wear my CERT underwear and keep a first aid kit in my satchel (Actually, a Gateway laptop carrier). If you want to make a friend for life, go to that instructor afterwards and commiserate.

PS: I developed a real respect fort Sac Metro's CERT folks when I got to deadhead with them June 2010 at the airshow, but we all get our Waterloos.
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Wouldn't Whacker Trainer be more appropriate than Trainer Whacker? As in 'one who trains whackers'? :rofl:
Hahaha sometimes.
I can't fit a large screen LED monitor into my Accord...

I went to my first private gig having found out they had no idea what I required. My car was loaded, I found they had a TV and DVD for me...but I tried them and they had no power.
I don't want to be reduced to making hand shadows.:huh:

Oh, and I carry a selection of patch cables and a nice big extension cord.

Think you could pull this off, mycrofft? haha.
OOOO, traillllleeeeeerrrrs...stay away from the brown windowpane, man!
OK, did a class I wrote and haven't done before,
1. Class announcement was made late and a time correction never was posted officially (I ran around doing it).
2. Got there, the room was occupied by a last-minute reassignment, we were bumped to a smaller room from where the podium (and Powerpoint laptop) had mysteriously disappeared.
3. Came dressed to set up the raw materials for a practicum requiring manual labor, ran out of time due to last minute changes' dithering, taught it wearing my work clothes.
4. Wanted about ten to twenty, expected about three, got eight.
5. Program coordinator saved the day with his laptop.
6. Ran long the first half, so didn't even do the practicum.
7. HOWEVER, the class was very attentive and receptive and participative, we did demonstrate some stuff and they did get to try one patient movement mode for themselves.

So I need to get my own laptop working, maybe put the class on DVD (there was a player there and I have a small player myself to bring), and get more "whackerish" about rehearsing and editing.
Don't neglect the posts before this one, but....
In preparation to teaching CPR in various and unanticipateable venues I have acquired the following:
1. 30 watt dual channel PA system
2. Overhead projector with built-in second lightbulb
3. Old use laptop to show Powerpoints.
4. Small DVD player with remote.
5. White board and markers. No eraser yet.
6. Dedicated shoulder bag with room for lunch, my OTC's, pens/markers, and trainer manuals.
7. A thumb drive for each company or agency I teach for.

Does this make me a "trainer whacker", or not?

I think as long as the second bulb in the projector isn't a red and blue flashing one made by Galls you're probably fine.
They make LCD inserts for overhead projectors to present computer graphics. I wonder if I can get an LED replacement bulb?.