I just read an ad on the Los Angeles area Craigslist for an private company ambulance DISPATCHER, no EMT experience required, starting pay is $11.00 per hour with a whopping $1.00 per call bonus.
That is higher pay than a Paramedic makes according to several sources here on this forum. Higher pay than the EMT's that they're going to be sending out to face traffic accidents, contagious diseases, possible assaults from unhinged pts. etc.
If that doesn't sum up the problems inherent in the EMT line of work, I don't know what does.
John E.
P.S. I fully and completely understand the necessity of dispatchers, I worked as a police dispatcher for a short period of time a number of years ago. They are a vital and necessary part of the EMS equation, at the same time, they shouldn't be making more money than those that they dispatch. If EMT's are undereducated, and I think that they are, where does that leave someone with ZERO professional training other than that offered by the employer? Nobody's taking any dispatcher classes anywhere that I know of.
That is higher pay than a Paramedic makes according to several sources here on this forum. Higher pay than the EMT's that they're going to be sending out to face traffic accidents, contagious diseases, possible assaults from unhinged pts. etc.
If that doesn't sum up the problems inherent in the EMT line of work, I don't know what does.
John E.
P.S. I fully and completely understand the necessity of dispatchers, I worked as a police dispatcher for a short period of time a number of years ago. They are a vital and necessary part of the EMS equation, at the same time, they shouldn't be making more money than those that they dispatch. If EMT's are undereducated, and I think that they are, where does that leave someone with ZERO professional training other than that offered by the employer? Nobody's taking any dispatcher classes anywhere that I know of.