Things I can't wear to my provincial licensing exam


Forum Asst. Chief
I was told to wear professional attire. Of course as a naive person, I thought I should look good. Wore a dress shirt, khakis, and dress shoes. When I arrived I realized I was way to over dressed; people were in flip-flops, sweats etc...


Airfield Operations
Watch any TV show that goes behind the walls of a prison to see an example of how innocuous, everyday items (including a single sheet of paper!) can be transformed into a weapon. I'm not advocating a return to the days of the Old West, but where there's a will, there's always a way.


Forum Captain
I'm a little confused here... Are the requirements the OP posted for the practical or the written exam? I can understand forbidding identifying uniforms for the practical exam-- where the examiners may be involved in the field and have inherent biases, but dont understand the requirement for the written exam-- often just at a computer.

They didn't distinguish between the written and the practical one, so I'm assuming it's for both.

Interestingly, judging by the fact that they want you to bring an eraser and #2 pencils, it sounds like the written test will be paper-based. Haven't had to do that since the SAT in 2001...:wacko:


Forum Captain
Here's the reason why they place restrictions.

Many years ago when I took my practical testing for the NREMT Paramedic; a young lady arrived into the dining room court yard where they had placed us until it was time to start. Some of my former class mates was amazed that she asked us what time it was and then started to proceed to "get ready" for the test.

She actually pulled out a make up mirror, with a tackle box size of make up, hair spray and all the other propaganda a model would have. After about 30 minutes of primping, applying make up and spraying hair spray, she then excused herself and returned in a tube top and shorts. To say the least she obviously removed undergarments as one could definitely tell in a cold room.

Jokingly, one of my fellow female classmate commented.."Damn, to think I actually studied!"...

LOL, this reminds me...the last stage of our EMT (your version of EMT-I/A/whatever) selection process was an interview. I IMed a paramedic friend of mine and asked for tips. He said, "Wear something tight and see-through." Of course, I wouldn't follow that, but then I got back home after my interview the next day and he messaged me to ask how it went. I said, "I had 3 females as my interviewers." He was like, "Damn, times have changed!" It's hardly a male-dominant profession anymore. I see tons of female-only crews when I drive around the city - probably even more than I see male-only crews.


Forum Captain
We probably had a "no weapons" rule too, but I didn't have any weapons on me. Where I'm from, pocket knives, hunting knives, etc are tools and not weapons. I carried the same compliment (folding knife and multitool) through all 4 years of high school (04') and 4 years of college (08). Nobody ever said a thing.

Its sad to see these tools being restricted so, especially since it was not that long ago that every gentleman had his trusty pocket knife with him everywhere he went.

The paper said, "If you can't bring it on an airplane, don't bring it to the exam."-_- LOL.


Forum Captain
So that means when I take it I leave my .30-06 at home LOL:)

Yup, keep it under 2000 ft/lbs muzzle energy and you should be fine.


Out of curiosity, was this pre or post 9/11? I hope I can bring more than a 3oz bottle of water with me.


Forum Deputy Chief
LOL, this reminds me...the last stage of our EMT (your version of EMT-I/A/whatever) selection process was an interview. I IMed a paramedic friend of mine and asked for tips. He said, "Wear something tight and see-through." Of course, I wouldn't follow that, but then I got back home after my interview the next day and he messaged me to ask how it went. I said, "I had 3 females as my interviewers." He was like, "Damn, times have changed!" It's hardly a male-dominant profession anymore. I see tons of female-only crews when I drive around the city - probably even more than I see male-only crews.

When I took my first driving test, I was extremely nervous. I didn't get my driver's licence until I was in my 20s and hadn't taken high school driver's ed. A friend directed me to a particular DMV branch and told me to wear a sexy blouse. I did, and got a female examiner. I passed though!


Forum Chief
When I took my first driving test, I was extremely nervous. I didn't get my driver's licence until I was in my 20s and hadn't taken high school driver's ed. A friend directed me to a particular DMV branch and told me to wear a sexy blouse. I did, and got a female examiner. I passed though!

Dont you hate how that works? If you had just rolled out of bed and trumped down to the DMV in pajama bottoms and a T-Shirt you would have gotten a hot male examiner.

Thats how it works with me and fire fighters, anyway. :p When I had to call because of something embarrassing (Like when I accidently set the dryer on fire, or got my foot stuck in the toilet.) I get a hot FF/EMT/Medic. If Im looking hot and call for someone else, or something like that, we get the frumpy ones. Jeez.


Forum Deputy Chief

Here we can carry any weapon, (with a concealed carry permit); at college, for classes or testing.
One of few states that allow us to carry at colleges and universities; just state ones not private schools.


Forum Captain
Yup, keep it under 2000 ft/lbs muzzle energy and you should be fine.


Out of curiosity, was this pre or post 9/11? I hope I can bring more than a 3oz bottle of water with me.

LOL, post-, we just had the exams this weekend (passed the practical, waiting for the results of the written for 4-6 weeks now, but I think I passed that, as well).

Ok, you will NOT believe how many people showed up in hoodies...the chick next to me at the written actually wore a hoodie AND a tank top. I thought maybe she just didn't get the piece of paper with the dress code, but after talking to her, I realized she did and she STILL wore 2 things that were not allowed....some people just amaze me.:wacko:


Forum Deputy Chief
Yeah, I remember my testing had a lot of strict requirements. I was fingerprinted everytime I entered or exited the room to make sure I was me. Everything went into a locker and I was allowed to keep the key. No writing utensils. Had a whiteboard but was not allowed to erase. I got a new whiteboard when my last one was full and boy did I go through those! Ran one of the markers dry actually. It took me almost twice as long to get the test started than I did to actually take it. They videoed me and audioed me the entire time and then took pictures of my whiteboards. The proctor was really confused as to why I went through that much whiteboard (I memorized all the temperatures in Celcius/Centigrade and had to convert to Farenheit w/o a calculator, and also has random chemical formulas drawn, if you remember my post from the summer in this forum, I was the one that had a questions asking me what 1,2-dichloro-something-or-other-that -was-really-long was used for), but I passed.

I wore black slacks and a maroon polo i think. I want to say the polo had my university's name/logo on it small on the left, but there were no restrictions on what we could wear that I can remember. I was alloed to keep my sweatshirt with me but was asked to remove it before entering and it was passed around the door to me (presumably the checked the pockets and inside to make sure no aids were in it).

Good luck finding out your results!


Forum Captain
Yeah, I remember my testing had a lot of strict requirements. I was fingerprinted everytime I entered or exited the room to make sure I was me. Everything went into a locker and I was allowed to keep the key. No writing utensils. Had a whiteboard but was not allowed to erase. I got a new whiteboard when my last one was full and boy did I go through those! Ran one of the markers dry actually. It took me almost twice as long to get the test started than I did to actually take it. They videoed me and audioed me the entire time and then took pictures of my whiteboards. The proctor was really confused as to why I went through that much whiteboard (I memorized all the temperatures in Celcius/Centigrade and had to convert to Farenheit w/o a calculator, and also has random chemical formulas drawn, if you remember my post from the summer in this forum, I was the one that had a questions asking me what 1,2-dichloro-something-or-other-that -was-really-long was used for), but I passed.

I wore black slacks and a maroon polo i think. I want to say the polo had my university's name/logo on it small on the left, but there were no restrictions on what we could wear that I can remember. I was alloed to keep my sweatshirt with me but was asked to remove it before entering and it was passed around the door to me (presumably the checked the pockets and inside to make sure no aids were in it).

Good luck finding out your results!

Wow, a lot stricter than mine. I had to show 2 forms of ID, asked if I had a cell phone (I didn't) then was given some blank paper and a pen and told to go into the testing room and not make too much noise since there were others testing at the same time. I didn't leave to use the bathroom so I don't know how that would have went, but there was no fingerprinting or emptying of pockets and there were no proctors in the room. One had a window they could look through from the lobby.


Forum Lieutenant
I'm a little confused here... Are the requirements the OP posted for the practical or the written exam? I can understand forbidding identifying uniforms for the practical exam-- where the examiners may be involved in the field and have inherent biases, but dont understand the requirement for the written exam-- often just at a computer.

The requirements are for both actually... I sat the same exam this weekend. Its a really... different process. It required 3 holding areas... Felt a little like a herd of sheep.

jochi, how'd your exam go?


Forum Ride Along
Yeah, I remember my testing had a lot of strict requirements. I was fingerprinted everytime I entered or exited the room to make sure I was me. Everything went into a locker and I was allowed to keep the key. No writing utensils. Had a whiteboard but was not allowed to erase. I got a new whiteboard when my last one was full and boy did I go through those! Ran one of the markers dry actually. It took me almost twice as long to get the test started than I did to actually take it. They videoed me and audioed me the entire time and then took pictures of my whiteboards. The proctor was really confused as to why I went through that much whiteboard (I memorized all the temperatures in Celcius/Centigrade and had to convert to Farenheit w/o a calculator, and also has random chemical formulas drawn, if you remember my post from the summer in this forum, I was the one that had a questions asking me what 1,2-dichloro-something-or-other-that -was-really-long was used for), but I passed.

I wore black slacks and a maroon polo i think. I want to say the polo had my university's name/logo on it small on the left, but there were no restrictions on what we could wear that I can remember. I was alloed to keep my sweatshirt with me but was asked to remove it before entering and it was passed around the door to me (presumably the checked the pockets and inside to make sure no aids were in it).

Good luck finding out your results!

I had to do the same thing, leave all my things in the locker and get fingerprinted and my picture taken.

My test was a little embarassing though. About half way through the test, I noticed a woman going around to each person. She finally got to me and asked if I left my phone in my locker. I said "Yes." She asked "Does it play 'Sweet Home Alabama'"? I forgot to turn it off and had to go back and shut it off. You could hear the song playing throughout the waiting area. :blush:

Fortunately, the people working there were very nice and we had a good laugh about it.


Forum Chief
I had to do the same thing, leave all my things in the locker and get fingerprinted and my picture taken.

My test was a little embarassing though. About half way through the test, I noticed a woman going around to each person. She finally got to me and asked if I left my phone in my locker. I said "Yes." She asked "Does it play 'Sweet Home Alabama'"? I forgot to turn it off and had to go back and shut it off. You could hear the song playing throughout the waiting area. :blush:

Fortunately, the people working there were very nice and we had a good laugh about it.

Hehe! My instructor had that ringtone.

Mine is Artist in the Ambulance by Thrice.

But, in order to avoid that issue I kept my phone on silent the entire week leading up to the exam in case I forgot to at the exam! :p


Forum Captain
jochi, how'd your exam go?

I passed the practical on the 1st attempt (they give us 2). It was a trauma with a lot of stuff going on and unconscious patient, but I knew how to manage everything. I think the only real catch was the Cushing's she developed as per 2nd set of vitals - a classmate of mine had this scenario and failed because she didn't recognize the Cushing's, so she had to retake the next day.

Written was not as bad as I expected it to be. Now the crappy part is waiting a month for the written results - my job AND my EMT-I class seat depend on my passing both portions of the exam.


Forum Lieutenant
I know the 4-6 week wait is killer. I'm confident in my written though it shouldn't be a problem. I passed first go aswell.

It was surprisingly straightforward.

Cushings? What exactly are you refering to? Cushings is a chronic endocrine disorder...
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Forum Captain
Cushings? What exactly are you refering to?

Maybe it's just an Alberta EMR thing? I have a buddy in BC who's a PCP/EMT, and we've discussed it with him before, but I don't know if he learned it at the EMR or EMT/PCP level.

Anyway, Cushing's triad is a combination of bradycardia, very high BP, and Cheyne-Stokes respirations. It signifies increasing intracranial pressure and suggests a brainstem injury. Here at ACP they present it together with either posturing or pupil problems (my patient had pupil response issues), and the treatment for EMRs is hyperoxygenate - 1 breath every 3 seconds with the BVM as opposed to the normal 1 breath every 5 seconds. The goal is to remove as much CO2 from the patient's circulation as possible. I'm not done with my EMT/PCP course yet, but so far I haven't heard of any more advanced pre-hospital treatments for this vital sign triad.

My buddy had a patient with Cushing's just last week, I think, he said the guy had a heart rate of 21 and BP of 220 systolic or smth ridiculous like that.