I would like to address both topics.
1. No, not all calls are ALS. There are a couple reasons for this. If the ALS provider takes over all calls, than this leaves not room for EMT-B's to define thier skills. Many times in the department where I work, EMT-B's try to use ALS providers as thier crutches. This should never happen. EMT-B's should be in some ways thrown in and made to perform at thier skill level. Us ALS providers can sniff out when something is logicly ALS and when it is not. I am all about teaching new providers and helping EMT-B's define thier skills. This does not happen with I am gung-ho and want to start an IV on every patient just because I can, or when I want to AIC everycall because I am ALS. That is rediculis. I was once a BLS provider. I would not be the ALS provider today if someone had not put me in the back and said do it when I was comming along.
2. As for BossyCow's post, sounds like this patient needed to be introduced to the ole refusal form. No, we can't technicly make a determination of someone's pain level, however, as I always tell people, LOOK AT YOUR PATIENT. If your patient looks sick, then they are sick. I know some people can present asymptomatic, but you can sniff out BS. This was a pure case of a BS call. I would inform them that the Dr. office would be open at whatever time. I would inform them also that they would be placed in triage. If they are in major pain, then they can't walk to my truck. They would get a bench seat ride in, IF I did transport them, and they would be seated in the ER waiting room. ER would be advized enroute that you have a stable and triagable patient. People like that like to think that if they are transported by ambulance then they will get seen quicker. I like to prove them wrong. But, ultimatly, I will push for a refusal with this idiot. This will accomplish a couple things. #1. It will get me more down time. I can go back to the station, kick back, watch TV, take a nap. #2. It will put my perfictly good ALS truck back in service for a real emergency call. Why take a ALS truck out of service for BS when you don't need to? #3. This is the best one yet... it will keep the county from obsorbing another bill that obviously will not get paid, so that they can afford to put another truck on the road, this will give me even more down time, or they will be able to sent more providers to our state EMS conferance so that we can become more educated on the finer things in the EMS world.
That is my opinion.