Well, sorta of a Christmas tradition with my wife and I, we run a blanket collection drive for the homeless here in San Diego. Last X-mas my wife and I were handing out blankets when I was attacked by a homeless man. As it turns out, some of the donated blankets we had were surplus SD County jail blankets and this apparently struck a cord with this particular individual.
Needless to say, I became somewhat bitter towards the homeless (Ungrateful bastages I thought).
Fast forward to this year... My wife talked me into another blanket drive, reluctantly I went along with another blanket delivery downtown still bitter about the year before. This time we drove to a homeless
mission to drop off the blankets. When we got there I was saddened by all the small children that we saw. Poor little guys... they never asked for this way of life.
At any rate, we handed out about 100 blankets, my wife was handing cute blankets to the kids. Now keep in mind, I am still somewhat bitter about these ungrateful homeless people.
Fate has a funny way of making a point. All the blankets were handed out and my wife and I started to leave. I jump into the driver seat and happily buckle up in preparation to leave. Turn the truck key, click...click...click.
Son-of a bit^%$, The damn car was dead. I popped the hood and stare blankly at the engine. At this point I look at my surroundings and scene is not safe...
Now remember I said, fate has a funny way of making a point. Next thing I know, a half dozen homeless guys offer to help us out. We all push the truck as my wife pops the clutch. The engine started and my wife drives down the street and make a U turn. All the helpers smiled and wished us a Merry Christmas.
Last year I was scrooged and grew bitter. This year, my faith in humanity returned.
Bless all those little souls in the cold tonight.
Merry Christmas all...