The Official EMTLIFE Introduction Thread

Name: Chris
Home: Idaho
Occupation: Army (Delta)
Deployments: 2, Operation Iraqi Freedom/Operation New Dawn (Iraq)

Combat Action Badge, Combat Lifesaver, Robin Sage Graduate

Hello Everyone,

My name is Chris, I'm 20 years old and from a small Snowboarding/Skiing town in midwest Idaho.

I joined the US Army when I turned 17 years old just after graduating from High School. Since joining the Army I've been fortunate enough to train with units in all parts of the world and complete a couple tours of duty in Iraq.

Like any other family mine has been a huge influence in my life, My Uncle is currently serving as a Flight Medic/Surgeon and my Cousin is currently in the Air Force as a Hazmat Firefighter/EMT-I. I remember sitting on my Uncle's porch as a kid listening to him talk about healing wounds and saving lifes, the siren and lights going off and helping someone who otherwise might have died. I have always been fascinated by the medical field and hope by joining I will have a better understanding of the medical system.

I hope to get to know you all better and hope you're all doing well.
Crusader, Out.
Hey everyone, my names Michael.
Ive been an Oregon EMT-B for almost a year now and have been volunteering as such for over a year now.
I started in ems when I was 17 (EMT-B classes) and have loved it so far.
I am hoping to get a position in a local ER as a tech.
Future educational plans possibly include nursing or law enforcement.
Hi There, I'm a 43 year old Advanced Care Paramedic from Canada, I'm second generation and have been involved in prehospital care since 1978. I am the owner of a small ambulance service with three units, 12 staff and we do about 500 calls a year.

Married father to four, pilot, educator, and all round fat old bald guy.
HI everyone,my name is James.I'm an EMT-1 in Los Angeles county for 2 years now.Work for a private company that does 911 and interfacility.
My name is Todd, Im a EMT-B/Firefighter II high school vocational student. Ive been a fire explorer for 3 years, and and currently hold the rank of corporal.
Hi everybody!!!
I am John
I am an international student and I am studying to become an EMT.
I also have been studied Veterinarian for 4 years.
I want to become a Paramedic.
Hi All~
My Name is R.J.
I am female.
I am 29.
I am looking to enroll in an EMT-B class this fall at my local community college.
I live in the San Francisco Bay Area.
Uhm... What else to say? I am unmarried with no kids... yet.
Ten days, ten additions!

Been away for ten days and am happy to return to see so many new intros!

So, welcome to:

EMS Monkey

1.1 a day, not bad! Enjoy the time you've been gifted.
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New Guy

Goodmorning everyone, my name is Chris and I'm originally from New Jersey. I was a first responder for my local BLS agency for a little over a year. I completed the EMT-B course, however, I left for Army BCT before I was able to take the exam. I still kick myself for that one. Been in the Army for three years. When I leave I plan on getting back into EMS with the ultimate goal of becoming a paramedic.
Hey everybody,
I'm Kyle. I'm starting my EMT-B Education today and I decided I may be able to get some good information from this forum.
Howdy all, new to the site but not EMS. Currently working in SoCal and hating the "expanded scope" we suffer under here. Looking to get lots of feedback from EMT's and Medics alike relating to various IFT situations and struggling rookies. Loving the scenario forums too, it's nice to find care providers that ACTUALLY know how to think. Keep up the good work!
hello, my name is albert, I'm aspiring to eventually become a medic and am just finishing up my emtb class. I look forward to being a part of the ems community!
I'm Lee and live in foothills of the Appalachians in Western NC. Navy veteran, Aviation Electronics. Been all sorts of things in my life. Whitewater guide, Fly fishing guide, Ski/Snowboard instructor, massage therapist...... Trim caprpenter in between all that. Jack of all trades, master of none!
Just started in Fire and EMS training this year! Green as they come but learning and training hard. Hoping to one day go to work in Fire or EMS. Enjoy them both.
hey vance from fresno got my emt state license today so i am good to go,

anyone need a band aid?
Name is Janet, I used to be here a while ago. Wanted to be in the fire service/ems so bad that I jumped into everything with no experience. Now I've been on my department just over a year and hopefully will have my basic any day now (have to find out if I passed my written took it friday!)
I figured now was a better time to get into a community :)

Hope to learn a lot from everyone. I especially love finding out about all the different EMS services out there and how they are different from here in Oregon. My department is a combination volunteer/paid Fire Department and EMS service.
Greetings from NE Ohio

Greetings everyone, new to the forum. Recently graduated EMT-B school and awaiting the NREMT computer based testing (June 8). After that, a protocol test and I'm released (so-to-speak).

I'm a former Navy Hospital Corpsman (13 years) Independent Duty Tech. I look forward to communicating with everyone. Spent 20 years in law enforcement in Fresno, then moved back home.
New here from Houston Texas lives in Katy

Level of EMS? Student almost (EMT-I clinical ending in 2 weeks)
Age you were when you first started EMS - I was 19
How long in EMS-11 years
What type of service - Most of my time was as a Combat Medic got the t-shirt and medal. Then when I joined the reserves I worked at a tranfer service and presently working at a retirement campus. Looking to work in a hospital.
Future education plans- To become a Paramedic and on to Nursing. I'm going this route because it's easier for me to work and continue my education.
Currently a basic in Houston doing the IFT thing for about two months. While being a basic isn't the most exciting EMS job in the world, it's a good learning experience. As far as future education plans, right now i'm undecided if I want to go the medic, nursing, or PA route.
I'm Anthony
22 in ohio...finally figured out what i wanted to do with the rest of my life...currently working as an Assistant Manager at Wendy's and attending school for EMT-B..Done with that in September...then moving on from there...hoping to eventually be a Tactical Paramedic... always wanted to be a Police Officer or a EMT...Tac Medic kinda mixes them both...why not have the best of both worlds right?
New to the Site

Hi, ya'll, my name is Kara and I'm a recently graduated EMT-B. I stumbled across the site here and hope to use it well for interesting discussion and education. I live in the Tampa Bay area of Florida and I'm 21, hopefully starting medic school in 2 months. I volunteer a day a week at an all volunteer BLS station (which unfortunately is situated in a very very elderly community, so 95% of my calls are very basic medical things) and I really look forward to starting my medic classes. My goal is to become a county medic by next Christmas in the county I currently work in (which is EMS separate) while I get into fire school so I can become a fire/medic and work in the next county down, which is Fire-EMS.

This is particularly funny considering I am about 5 foot tall and weigh maybe 100 pounds. :P