the 100% directionless thread

Yeah I'm sure real good money is made doing that type of thing bit this girl does NOT do I'd have to live at work since I'd be snowed in where I'm at now
Has anyone else here wanted to reach through the Xbox Live headset and choke some little twelve year old?

Oh well, time to stop playing. Half shift teching in the Neuro ICU :D Extra money = good
Funny.. my snowman is taller and weighs more than me too!


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So some person driving a white truck got stuck at my barn tonight while they were trying to leave. It was pretty funny. :ph34r:
They do. But didn't have them in the truck as I was just going to feed and leave so I just had my tennis shoes as I had been playing with my sisters for the night. We had some intense snowball fights

I wish I woulda had my boots. Or at least a different pair of socks. :P
In my defense I came straight from work and wasn't expecting to play that hard out in the snow again.

Earlier today I was prepared. I had my riding breeches, jeans, and pajama pants. Plus long sleeved shirt, hoodie, and carhart. Tonight I only had jeans and not my best tennis shoes.
Anyone else chuckle at "breeches"?

PS-- what's "play hard"? I tend to like to relax when playing ^_^
Play hard= run around outside acting like a little kid all over again for more than 2 hours straight. Run, climb, hide, duck, cover, jump, slip, crash and tumble down a hill, almost land in water, get up and high tail it out of there and chase the girls again.

When we get together we definitely do not act our age. B) But it's fun to let loose like that.
Just found out that me and my new roommate got an apt in Denver! One less thing down.
I hate these moods where I just wanna break down and cry over nothing! Like really that's all I've felt like doing most of the day.