the 100% directionless thread

I'm a winter lover! Give me snow, wind and ice anyday. You can always put on another sweater, but when its hot, at some point you run out of things to take off.

Right pocket? a receipt and a paperclip

What was the last thing you ate?
I Ate....

I'm a winter lover! Give me snow, wind and ice anyday. You can always put on another sweater, but when its hot, at some point you run out of things to take off.

Right pocket? a receipt and a paperclip

What was the last thing you ate?

I ate a bowl of rice and beans, 6 Hershey Kisses, and I am currently drinking a Diet Caffeine Free Coke.

What footwear are you wearing?
do you cut or twirl your pasta?
I ate

I ate pizza, and Dove ice cream.

I don't eat pasta with a fork, I eat it with my fingers :D
I was just kidding, by the way.
I ate pizza, and Dove ice cream.

I don't eat pasta with a fork, I eat it with my fingers :D

NICE! LOL. Dove Ice Cream rocks!
"Chop, Chop... TANSTAAFL."

Brownie points to who can name the book.
a whopper from burger king sounds good right about now, ok i guess im going there for lunch since i work the night shift ugh ...
Did an LEO ride tonight. At the beginning of the night, the cop wouldn't even talk to me. By the end, he was telling his partner I was "hella cool."

Even though it was a slow night, I consider it successful. I love having fun people to ride with.
Did an LEO ride tonight. At the beginning of the night, the cop wouldn't even talk to me. By the end, he was telling his partner I was "hella cool."

Even though it was a slow night, I consider it successful. I love having fun people to ride with.

I've got one this weekend. You get any decent calls even tho it was slow?
I'm sitting in the ED cuz mom took a fall. We will see what happens. On a side note this the first time I have been to this ER without being a pt.
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Stuff on my key rings! It all has a meaning.....

I have 2 sets of keys, first set has my car key 1 blue cpr mask "on a key ring' and a small beaded leather key charm that represents the sunrise and sunset. this is on one of those metal hourse bits. My second key ring also has a black Cpr "mask on a keyring", my house key, the trooper car key, my dad's old car key from the geo metro( he made it and kept it in his wallet, the spare! :P) his dog tag from WW2 and a set of small brass bells that have a those brass swivel fishing things connected to them, a fishing lure ( no hooks) that has 2 coins attached,( a coin from Israel, and a new buffalo nickel)and a small blue leather heart. ^_^
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I have my car key, husband's car key, house key, deadbolt key, my dad's house key, and firehouse key. I also have 4 or 5 of those little tab "cards" for the pharmacy, couple grocery stores, pet store, library card, etc. There is also a small caribiener so I can hook my keys onto my purse strap, instead of putting them in my purse. (It makes it so much easier to find them!)

And, moving on to other things, I really wish we had CPAP on our trucks. Had a patient yesterday that was in respiratory distress, extremely aggitated, wouldn't use the neb, so we tried to bag it in. She would let us do that about 3 times, then would pull the mask off her face, take 3-4 breaths without it and then repeat. Eventually she did calm down enough to tolerate bagging the albuterol in, even said it really helped. However, they had the CPAP waiting for us at the ER and it was amazing how much better she instantly was after being put on it. Maybe after the first of the year, with the new protocols we will get it....
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No, no... half a key.... I had to split it with the sound effects man.
I've got one this weekend. You get any decent calls even tho it was slow?

Not really anything cool. Just a very minor MVA, a bunch of verbal disturbances, and one arrest. It was fascinating to see how the system works and to hang out with the officers, but they advised me to come back on a weekend if I wanted to see anything worth while.

Have fun!
I just got back from WaWa.
I can't sleep!!!!!!