the 100% directionless thread

Air Amb on scene


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My ride home. And my "flight attendant." ;-) God bless them!


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You are correct in saying that Brown loves you all very much

By your actions you are known.

Even if we didn't beg you to stay, you'd stay, if for nothing more than we'll listen while you be Brown, whatever that is.

For my part, you're much more than comic relief!
By your actions you are known.

Brown is not so sure that is a good thing :D

Even if we didn't beg you to stay, you'd stay, if for nothing more than we'll listen while you be Brown, whatever that is.

Brown doesn't know what a Brown is; a Brown is a weird specimen that is for sure ... just ask the user formerly known as Mrs Brown :D

For my part, you're much more than comic relief!

Nice to know that Brown is appreciated
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Hot dang! I just was on one of the most exciting calls I have ever run!

Pt had a compound, open fx of his left tibia. Only problem was he was 6 miles in on a forest service foot trail. So we hiked in and long story short, we didn't even know if the helicopter could land there and lift him out. So we called for an Air Force MEDEVAC out of Fairchild AFB cause they are equipped with a hoist. In the end, the civilian bird was able to land an lift the patient out, and the rest of us got ferried out on the Huey. I don't think I have ever gotten such a rush as I did sitting in the doorway of that Huey with my legs hanging out the side as the pilot twisted and turned down the canyon to get the speed up to get out of the canyon. Thank God that AF bird was available! We would have been hiking out in total darkness.

Pics later...^_^

Very cool
Brown is not so sure that is a good thing :D

Brown doesn't know what a Brown is; a Brown is a weird specimen that is for sure ... just ask the user formerly known as Mrs Brown :D

Nice to know that Brown is appreciated

1. Yes Brown, it is a good thing.

2. WTF are you talking about "formerly known as." I've seen that around the site several times and no one will tell me what you mean.

3. You are more appreciated than you know by many more users than you realize.

That is all.
1. Yes Brown, it is a good thing.

2. WTF are you talking about "formerly known as." I've seen that around the site several times and no one will tell me what you mean.

3. You are more appreciated than you know by many more users than you realize.

That is all.

Obviously it means that they broke up.

Sent from LuLu using Tapatalk
Obviously it means that they broke up.

Sent from LuLu using Tapatalk

Last time I assumed something was yesterday evening and it almost turned an 8 hour call into an overnight stay in the woods with no sleeping gear. Not life threatening or nothing, but highly unpleasant.

So as a rule, I try to assume nothing.
Punch in and out with the hand scanner, landline dispatch to clock in and out, fill out a paper time card, fax said time card to payroll and send the original via overnight mail, still get shorted 12 hours on your check.

You'd think with quadruple redundancy they wouldn't mess up like that?
This definitely qualifies as a really good time. Awesome.

Sorry they are so small. Tappatalk won't let me upload anything bigger than about 8kb. I'll get better ones later.

Adam, I don't think my service has quadruple redundancy in anything. And no, I don't see how they screwed your times up. That's crazy!

Also......I agree with bbg. If Sasha is correct, then WHAT, WHAT, WHAT???
Also......I agree with bbg. If Sasha is correct, then WHAT, WHAT, WHAT???

What, what, what it means is what we have both confirmed for you.

It is just one of those things that happens.

Can we all not make some sort of scene about it please? Thanks :)
Is there a way to "favorite" threads? Y'know, put all the threads with good info into one easily accessible area (other than bookmarking with the browser :ph34r: )